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则是君子兰一个“君子”的写照。" Clivia is a "gentleman" itself.

这差不多就是萨姆的真实写照了。Which is more or less what Sam was.

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我上次说过双重写照。I talked about doubleness last time.

如果你是上文所描述的是你的真实写照,那么请避免多重任务吧。If this is you, avoid multi-tasking.

这正是正常童年的写照。An ideal picture of normal childhood.

这一家人的精神就是全部美国家庭的写照。That spirit typifies our American family.

这就是约翰。福特。肯尼迪的真实写照。This was never more true than for John F.

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这是对十八水最真的写照。This is the most true portraiture of 18 water.

这也是弗罗斯特的另一种双重写照。And that's another kind of doubleness in Frost.

这些都是今日中国的真实写照。All this is true for the whole of today's China.

它们都是作曲家真情实感的写照。It is created from the raw emotion of a composer

它是一个企业健康状况的最简单写照。It is a simple snapshot of the health of a business.

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这也是为人处世和生意人的真实写照。This is the reality of being human and also business.

可以说,这部电影是第二次世界大战的真实写照。as it were,a true reflection of the Second World War.

夕张市是一个写照,整个日本正陷入人口问题的漩涡。Like Yubari, Japan is heading into a demographic vortex.

对他们来说,仿佛这次世博会就是他们未来生活的写照。For them, the expo is meant to be picture of their future.

你把它描述为“我们现在所处的情形的一幅鲜明写照”。You describe it as "a stark portrait of where we are now".

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我也发现爷爷的花园是他一生的真实写照。I came to see, too, that Grandpas garden mirrored his life.

墓葬大多数时候是反应了我们选择如何活着的真实写照。Burials are mostly the living image of how we chose to live.

崔姬又像男孩又像女孩,是她当时真实的生活写照。Twiggy was a little of both boy and girl, a mirror of her time.