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你就是他们的弥勒佛。You are Happy Buddha.

我是弥勒佛,来到你的身旁。I AM Maitreya, having come to you.

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我在向弥勒佛学习呢。I'm emulating the Maitreya Buddha.

这是弥勒佛,也就是未来佛。This is Maitreya, the Buddha of the future.

釉下彩弥勒佛。Underglaze Wucai porcelain Maitreya Buddha.

在中国,对于弥勒佛的信仰有着很长的历史。The belief in Maitreya has a long history in China.

在第一个殿里有一尊200年历史的弥勒佛。Inside the first hall is a 200-year-old Maitreya Buddha.

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弥勒佛被广大民众认为是中国文化中的菩萨。Maitreya is a widely-believed bodhisattva in Chinese culture.

笑嘻嘻的弥勒佛扮成麦当劳叔叔的样子,拿著食物歇息著。Grinning Buddha reposes as Ronald McDonald, holding his daily bread.

海通先指导工匠制作了一座弥勒佛的“小样”,作为施工时按比例放大的依据。Haitong first asked the craftsmen to make a small sample statue of Maitreya.

抬眼前望,端坐寺内慈祥而又自信莫测的大肚弥勒佛正向你哈哈大笑。Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you.

我特别喜欢那个弥勒佛雕像,圆圆的脑袋,对着我们哈哈大笑,真是栩栩如生。I especially like the statue of maitreya, round head, for a good laugh, we is lifelike.

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弥勒佛是中国民间普遍信奉、广为流行的一尊佛。Maitreya is generally believed China's nongovernmental and widely popular one Buddhist.

除了光秃秃的头发和一副铁环状的耳环,弥勒佛和我看上去简直是双胞胎哥俩。Except for a shaved head and a hoop earring, the Happy Buddha and I could have been brothers.

据佛经记载,弥勒佛出生在古代印度,属释迦牟尼的同代。According to Buddhist sutras, Maitreya was born in ancient India, a contemporary of Sakyamuni.

大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。In front of the main hall is Confucius the Sage, Prince Nuozha, and Maitreya the Happy Buddha.

唐代当时流行对弥勒佛的崇拜,认为他象征光明和未来。In the Tang Dynasty, people worshipped Maitreya, regarding him as the symbol of a bright future.

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在民间文化中,弥勒佛是有着高达的身躯,温和的面容以及一张笑脸这样的形象。In folk culture, the image of Maitreya is a person with a full figure, a benign countenance and a smiling face.

追溯到西秦,在甘肃冰灵寺石窟中就出现了弥勒佛的壁画。Way back in the Western Qin Dynasty, there appeared murals of Maitreya in the Bingling Temple Grottoes in Gansu.

我国乃至世界最大的一尊摩崖石刻弥勒佛前后经过九十多年建造而诞生。The Giant Stone Buddha in Leshan is the largest stone Buddha in the world, built over a total of more than 90 years.