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她是位声誉卓著的作家。She is a writer of great renown.

产品遍布全国各地,声誉卓著。Products across the country, reputable.

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这家公司做事可靠,声誉卓著。The company has a good name for reliability.

今年,他已经38岁了,成了一位功勋卓著的老兵。Now he is, at 38, the grand old man of the N.B.A.

一个成绩卓著的女律师接手了努乔德的案子。A prominent female Yemeni attorney took up Nujood's case.

在网队所有的三月冲刺中,他同样贡献卓著,让今天的队员怀念。He also was big in all the Nets' March runs and is missed.

成了第一次世界大战中战功最卓著的一种轰炸机。It became the most successful bomber used in World War One.

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卡多佐是一位著名的法官,更是一位成果卓著的法哲学家。Cardozo is a famous judge and a prominent jurist in particular.

近年来,金山在国际化拓展方面成绩卓著。In the recent years, Kingsoft has expanded into oversea markets.

可能你的产品声誉卓著,顾客忠诚度极高。You have a solid reputation and a good cadre of loyal customers.

陈垣是20世纪中国成就卓著的史学家。Chen Yuan is the outstanding achievements of 20th century historians.

他因工作成绩卓著然而取得特别奖一千元。He was granted a special award of 1000 yuan for his outstanding work.

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政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。The government recognized his outstanding service by give him a medal.

与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists Degas, Monet and Cezanne.

他学过建筑,戏剧设计和全景绘画,尤其擅长舞台幻境制作,也因此声誉卓著。He apprenticed in architecture, theater design, and panoramic painting.

而且目前在市场上不贵、功效卓著。And they’re inexpensive, an increasingly rare virtue in today’s markets.

约书亚在小布什执政期间,职业生涯成绩卓著。Joshua Bolten had a long and distinguished career in the Bush White House.

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约书亚在小布什执政期间,职业生涯成绩卓著。Joshua Bolten had a long and distinguished career in the Bush White House.

在玻璃油墨印花胶浆和清洗剂方面表现卓著。We are remarkably good at detergent and ink printing plasmagel with glass.

不过,历史悠久的西方品牌在新兴市场仍然声望卓著。Yet long-established western brands still have cachet in emerging markets.