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他培育热带鱼。He breeds tropical fish.

人们叫它热带鱼。They are called tropicals.

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许多人保留他们作为热带鱼。Many people keep them as tropical fish.

在黛西潜水点拍到的热带鱼和珊瑚。Tropical fish and coral, Daisy's Drop-off.

礁附近柔软的珊瑚和热带鱼。Soft corals and tropical fish at H.P. Reef.

按理说,有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。By rights, some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.

你还躲在浴缸中对热带鱼念念不忘吗?Find yourself thinking about tropical fish in your bathtub?

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你会看见巨大的海龟伴随一群群热带鱼类悠游着。You'll see large sea turtles swimming alongside schools of tropical fish.

色彩斑斓的热带鱼总是在你家中的某个大大的养鱼缸里。You have a big aquarium filled with colorful fish somewhere in your house.

我们去海滩潜水,看漂亮的热带鱼。We went snorkelling straight off the beach and could see amazing tropical fish.

是的,我这里养了许多宠物,象狗,蛇,猫,鳄鱼和热带鱼。Yes, I keep many pets here, such as dogs, cats, snakes, crocodiles and tropical fish.

另一个例子是热带鱼,它们用颜色来表示交配的意愿。Another example is tropical fish, which use their colorations to show sexual receptiveness.

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在这个天堂般的小岛上,你甚至能看到热带鱼在大海里四处游动。On this island paradise, you can even see tropical fish swimming about in their ocean home.

在利物浦,女性不得在公共场合袒胸露怀,但热带鱼商店的店员除外。In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store.

这里的水十分清澈,竟然能看到五彩斑斓的珊瑚,还有热带鱼在里面游来游去。The water is very clear, Went so far as to see colorful coral, tropical fish are inside swimming.

现在海洋图片画廊。在这里,一条灰色暗礁鲨鱼游泳在其中一群黑色的热带鱼在水域斯塔巴克岛之外。Here, a gray reef shark swims amid a school of black triggerfish in the waters off Starbuck Island.

在利物浦,女性不得在公共场合袒胸露背,但热带鱼商店的店员除外。In ★ Liverpool★, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store.

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看着热带鱼游泳,心中顿觉平静不少,何况鱼缸还是一个十分引人注目的物件。There is something calming about watching tropical fish swimming and the tank is a great focal piece.

网吧里养一箱热带鱼,甚至养一条能捉老鼠的花花猫。One box tropical fish is raised in the Internet bar, raise a flower that can catch mouse to spend a cat even.

在日本,位于东京银座地区的索尼大厦外,顾客们正在观看热带鱼展览。Japanese shoppers are treated to a display of tropical fish outside the Sony Building in Tokyo's Ginza district.