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构建和集成。Builds and integration.

架设自动化构建。Setup automated builds.

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任何人都可以构建服务。Anyone can build a ervice.

系统是在竖井中构建的。Systems are built in silos.

定义您计划构建的内容。Define what you plan to build.

聚焦于关系构建。Focus on relationship-building.

还没有完全构建。It hasn't been constructed yet.

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我应该先构建什么呢?Which should I implement first?

然后构建核心翻译程序。The core translator is then built.

通过身体塑型来构建强壮的团队Body sculpting to build strong teams

继之,构建粗糙概念格。Fourth, build rough concept lattice.

如何构建一个单一值的复选框How to build a single-value checkbox

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执行并再利用预构建好的二进制码。Stage and re-use pre-built binaries.

向LCG提交自动构建的软件包。Submit the autobuilt package to LCG.

构建尽可能瘦的JMS客户机Build the thinnest possible JMS client

我们决定需要构建我们自己的功能块。We decided we needed to build our own.

我们将实际构建一个闹钟。We will actually build an alarm clock.

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快来参加我们,帮助我们一起构建未来。Come join in and help build the future.

这些军团们构建了我的前身。These legions are among my antecedents.

构建新的引用对象队列。Constructs a new reference-object queue.