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没有可见的象素。No Visible Pixelation.

海水是那么的清澈,粒粒可见。Sea water is so clear!

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可见显示数据?。VDD? Visual Display Data?

可见,有钱人也就是看电视。He watches his big-ass TV.

可见它是有优势的。There is an elegance about it.

这在乔叟的作品中处处可见。This occurs in Chaucer passim.

局部可见粉红色类骨质。Focally, pink osteoid is present.

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密码应该是不可见的。The password should be invisible.

在中国,这种现象处处可见。You notice it everywhere in China.

浏览或购买高可见工作服今天。Browse or Buy Hi-Vis Workwear Today.

在三个层面上可见这是一个错觉。For delusion it is, on three levels.

门区神经元脱失仅在海马硬化组可见。Hilus neuron lost in HS groups only.

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然而,短处亦可见。It does, however, have shortcomings.

在可见模式中无法移动小企鹅。You cannot move Tux in visible mode.

生命的脉络才历历可见。In the context of life takes visible.

通常可见多核细胞。Often, multinucleated cells are seen.

在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆。A flagpole loomed up through the mist.

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在此包外不可见。It is not visible outside the package.

这种树木可见于平原。Such trees can be found in the plains.

灾后四处可见的是车辆。The leitmotif of the disaster is cars.