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我们支持“双轨”战略。We stay committed to the "dual-track" strategy.

我们支持通过“双轨”战略处理伊朗核问题。We favor settling the issue through the "dual track" strategy.

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在伊朗核问题上,中方坚持“双轨”战略。China stays committed to the "dual-track" strategy over the Iranian nuclear issue.

生产小盒子时,可快速切换为双轨道系统。For the production of smaller boxes, it can be changed to two-rail system quickly.

基于双轨逻辑,本文提出一种可级联的并行二值逻辑门。Based on the dual-rail logic, a cascadable parallel binary logic gate was, proposed.

在循环球螺杆双轨道和在路轨上提供更大的准确性。Recirculating twin ball tracks in the screw and on the rails provide greater accuracy.

保罗作为主唱,他的歌声被制作以双轨的形式,与约翰·列侬和乔治·哈里森的声线配合得十分和谐。Paul’s lead vocal is double-tracked, with John Lennon and George Harrison singing harmony.

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这砦触发器具有双端预置能力和双轨互补输出。These flip-flops have the capability of two-input presetting and double-rail complementary outputs.

提出一种四相双轨静态异步电路的功耗和性能优化方法。Proposing a power and performance optimization method for four-phase dual-rail asynchronous circuits.

关于你提到的第二个问题,中方始终在伊朗核问题上坚持“双轨”战略。On your second question, China always sticks to the "dual-track" strategy on the Iranian nuclear issue.

全部运动部件均采用直线导轨并为双轨安装,不仅运动流畅,还稳定可靠。All the parts are operated according to the beeline and installed dual lines. It runs smooth and stably.

对现存和未来的贫民区,通过采用一种双轨方法就可以改善其生活质量。This can best be achieved by adopting a twin-track approach towards existing and potential future slums.

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九铁在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。The Kowloon-Canton Railway started operation in 1910 and was double-tracked and electrified in the early 1980s.

会议继续商讨了我们提出的双轨政策,各方均表示了支持,"Toner说。"It was part of ongoing consultations on our two-track policy, for which all sides expressed support," he said.

历史的类比仅限于此,但舒尔茨双轨外交策略的总体原则在今日仍然适用。Historical analogies go only so far, but the general principles of Shultz’s dual-track diplomacy still apply today.

就中国辐射防护研究院与大亚湾、秦山两个核电站开展的个人剂量双轨监测,对1998年度的监测方法和数据进行了总结。The intercomparison method and data on dual track dose monitoring were summarized between CIRP and GNPS or QNPS in 1998.

中国经济改革开放的过程中,双轨制成为渐进式改革的重要特徵。In the process of China's economic reform, dual-track approach becomes an institutional characteristic of incrementalism.

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一九七三年九广铁路展开现代化计划,包括铺设双轨和进行铁路电气化。The year 1973 saw the start of a modernisation programme , including the double tracking and electrification of the railway.

具体政策措施表现为建立外部评价制度,通过双轨、多元的评价制度严把“出口”关。The specific policy is to establish dual-track and multiple outer evaluation institution to control the output of higher education.

我们认为现在要进一步推进“双轨”战略,因为实践已经证明了,这样一个“双轨”战略有利于妥善地解决达尔富尔问题。We stand for pushing forward the dual-track strategy, which has been proved conducive to the proper settlement of the Darfur issue.