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蝶飞蜂乱入杏林。Butterflies hover to apricots with bees.

杏林北部新城区的交通十分便利。The traffic network of the new zone is developed.

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海翔大道、杏林北路及杏林湾路将新城区与杏林湾片区紧密连接。In addition, Haixiang Expressway goes through the new zone, linking it with Xinglin-Bay Area.

向远处望去,那一片的杏林已经是一片花海,我仿佛已经闻到了它的香味。Looking to the distant, it is one of the Xinglin a display, I seem to have smelled its fragrance.

四通八达的交通运输将为杏林北部新城区的发展带来巨大便利。The advanced traffic network will bring great convenience for the development of North Xinglin New Residential Zone.

杏林湾商务营运中心位于集美杏林湾片区的中心地带,濒临风景秀丽的杏林湾。Xinglin-BayBusiness Parkis located at the central region ofXinglin-Bay area. It is designed to cover an area of 1 square kilometer.

草堂依汉代风格而建,四周遍植杏树,使游人尽享“杏林春暖”千古佳话的意韵。In the Han Dynasty style thatched cottage built around Bianzhi apricot, so that visitors enjoy the "Xinglin Chunnuan" eternal story of Yiyun.

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在此,笔者愿同所有热爱杏林的同道中人共同探讨活血化瘀及效用以待共同提高。Here, the author wishes to all those who love the fellow Xinglin to explore the human blood circulation and improve the effectiveness of co-pending.

本文对赤峰市巴林左旗山杏林资源、林分现状、产地条件等进行了分类,对各类型林分、林地生产力进行了分析和评价,提出了相应的经营对策。Stand of all type and productive capacity on area hace been analysed and evaluated, and the relevant management countermeasures have been put forward.

本文结合在厦门杏林的两次探讨性设计实践,探讨健康城市和健康住区的健康内涵。The article introduces the two recent urban design practices in Xinglin of Xiamen, discussing the health connotation in "healthy city" and "healthy habitation".

杏子是新疆维吾尔族人普遍栽培的果树之一,绿洲中,几乎村村有杏林,家家有杏树,而库车县则可以称之为新疆的杏乡。Apricot is the Xinjiang Uighur common cultivated fruiter, oasis, almost every village Xinglin, apricot, while Kuche county can be called Xinjiang apricot village.

孔子坐在老家曲阜的杏林里,学生们围着他团团坐定,孔老师清清嗓子就可以流畅地讲上两个时辰。Confusius sat in an apricot orchard in his hometown, his students took seats around him, and in a gentle and smooth voice he chewed the rag for a couple of hours.

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中国的“绿色医院”则应是“杏林”模式的现代体现,以求更好地满足现代生活的医疗保健需求。China's"green hospital"should be a modern version of the"Apricot Woods"model where medical care requirements for modern life could be met to the greatest satisfaction.

东京杏林大学的一位教授古贺佳彦进行了一系列临床试验,要求受试者起床后立即吃冰激凌。Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo's Kyorin University, has carried out a series of clinical trials in which test subjects were required to eat ice cream immediately after waking up.

在东京杏林大学,古贺良彦教授进行了一系列的临床试验,试验中要求受试者起床后立刻食用冰激凌。Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo's Kyorin University, has carried out a series of clinical trials in which test subjects were required to eat ice cream immediately after waking up.

我叫---,往年27岁,来自吉林省长春市,2011年3月毕业于日本杏林大学,外国语学部,使用交流学科。My name is---- year, 27 years old, from changchun city, jilin province in March 2011 graduated from Japanese enterprise, foreign studies university, department of applied science communication.