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耀明息事宁人,将电话放在群组,才停止她们吵闹。Yao Ming killed off the phone, in groups, to stop their noisy.

现在即使他想息事宁人,也为时太晚了。Now it was too late to smooth things over, even if he wanted to.

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本田旗下另两起罢工,均以厂方息事宁人告终。Honda has settled the strikes at its other two factories as well.

但罗马领袖大驾光临就能息事宁人?噢,不尽然啦。But did the Roman leader's presence calm the crowd?Well, not exactly.

怕麻烦的我于是息事宁人,现在想来,其实许多悲剧都是咎由自取。The trouble now, so I said, in fact, many of the tragedy is to blame.

息事宁人可说是家庭主妇的专职。Smoothing things over is practically a profession to mothers of families.

工人得到的少量的增加薪水只不过是一点点息事宁人的甜头。The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.

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为了息事宁人,强忍住一肚子的火,刘先生用钱打发走了送货的商家。To avoid, Bearing a strong stomach the fire, Mr Lau money sent to the delivery of business.

后来厉某为息事宁人就给了金某500元,他收到钱后表示会结束此事。Li was done for a gold gives a 500 yuan, He said the money received by the end of the matter.

你在她做可疑事情的时候突然出现,她是在试图把你卷进来,从而息事宁人。You burst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you.

富商古福成为了息事宁人,交了六亿元赎款,仍遭勒索。古欲逃遁,却有一只无形的手操纵着他,他与美丽而妖冶的情妇的性戏也被曝光。In order to gets out of this case, the rich merchant Gu Fu hands in 6 00 million but he still is blackmailed.

我觉得该校既然摊上了这桩诉讼官司,如此息事宁人也许最为理想,因为诉诸法庭最终可能产生一个危险的判例。While I think the university had a case, this may be the best outcome. A court case could have set a dangerous precedent.

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负责这项研究的康奈尔大学教授贝丝·莱文斯顿与圣母大学蒂莫西·贾齐和西安大略大学查理斯·赫斯特一起开展分析她表示,“管理者”会奖励那些卑鄙的行为,只为息事宁人。Professor Beth Livingston, of Cornell University, New York, who led the study, said managers were rewarding nasty behaviour.

对男性而言,这种「自我压抑」可能只是为了息事宁人,有所盘算但无害的决定。但是妇女隐忍不言,身体得付出惊人的代价。For men, it may simply be a calculated but harmless decision to keep the peace. But when women stay quiet, it takes a surprising physical toll.

曼城方面也试图息事宁人,认为特维斯是在朋友和相关人员的煽风点火中一时冲动才说了那样的话。City have also tried to cool matters, suggesting Tevez made his comments in the heat of the moment after being stoked up by friends and associates.

战争是残酷而不仁的。美国人的血液里充满好战的血球,而中国人却是习惯于息事宁人的处世态度。War is merciless and cold-blooded. The blood of aggressive Americans is full of combative cells while the Chinese are used to the manner of dodging troubles.

也许蓝色最大好处就是息事宁人,能够让队友更多地互相理解和宽慰,而鲜艳的红色却容易刺激出暴力和血腥。Perhaps its greatest attraction is the comforting signals it sends out from one team-mate to another, rather than the message of violence transmitted by bright red.

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比利息事宁人地呜呜叫着,善意地扭动着身体,甚至冒昧地用暖和湿润的舌头舔了舔巴克的脸,作为求和的贿赂。He whined placatingly, squirmed and wriggled to show his good will and intentions, and even ventured, as a bribe for peace, to lick Buck's face with his warm wet tongue.

他们加上受到一些似是而非的言论影响,竟然也受到反战思想感染,开始产生息事宁人、姑息恶人的态度。They have also been won over by some plausible arguments supporting anti-war sentiments, and have begun to adopt a conciliatory and condoning attitude towards the evil doers.