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水龙头关不上了。Then turn off the tap.

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这个水龙头容易转动。This tap turns easily.

洗澡盆的水龙头漏水。The bath bub tap is leaking.

不要让水龙头的水一直流!NO13, Don't let the faucet run!

那个女孩正在关水龙头。The gril is turning off the tap.

我需要一个新的浴室洗手台的水龙头。I need a new bathroom sink faucet.

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我在一个夜晚聆听水龙头的流水声I heard the sound of taps one night

离开前,记得关水龙头!Please turn off tap before leaving.

水龙头在漏水,我们得把它修一修。The tap is leaking. We must fix it.

这水龙头不好,到处溅水。This tap is a bad one, it splashes.

这里的水很独特,有时你拧开水龙头却不出水,有时流出来的是红色的水,味道还难闻得很。The water here is something special.

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水龙头正在滴水。The water was dripping from the tap.

用后将水龙头关紧。Don't leave the tap running after use.

管子工修好了漏水的水龙头。The plumber fixed that leaking faucet.

这不像是水龙头那样,一开一关就行了。It's not a tap you can turn on and off.

水龙头漏水的滴答滴答声。The drip-drip-drip of a leaking faucet.

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把水龙头关了,别浪费水。Turn the water off, don't let it waste.

把这条软管装到院中的水龙头上。Rig this hosepipe to the tap in the yard.

我们找到一个水龙头,但水被冻上了。We found a tap, but the water was frozen.