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他说了再见,永别,珍重…He says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

永远别说再见了,再见了,要珍重。Don't say Adios, say Adios, Goodbye.

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她也说再见了,再见了,要珍重啊。She says Adios, says Adios, Goodbye.

她也说再见,别了,珍重…She says adios, says adios, goodbye.

朋友,珍重!Farewell, my friend!Take care, my friend!

在此时,除了道一声“珍重”,更愿你们快乐!I wish you happier except a word" Thak care".

珍重,珍重,这是我新亚精神!Cherish, Cherish, It's our spirit of New Asia!

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我们在夏天的风里握别,说一声珍重,再见。We in the summer wind, say take care, good-bye.

不能获得的,更要珍重。Trefor the reason thature the things you can't get.

殷勤一杯酒,珍重岁寒姿。Hospitality a glass of wine, treasure Suihan posture.

我们在分手之前互道珍重。We chin-chinned one another solemnly before we parted.

她请我珍重生命,像生长在河堰的韧草。She bid me take life easy , As the grass grows on the weirs.

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卡斯拉泽的妻子丽娜弹了弹家人一直很珍重的钢琴的几个键。Kasradze's wife Lena tries a few keys on the once-prized piano.

唯有我们自己,还有我们心底的爱,是要多些珍重和在意的。Only we ourselves, and our heart of love, is more love and care.

他替那些网球鞋珍重广告,就赚了不少钱。He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does.

你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与日俱增。You're a wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every day.

女郎很欣喜,当然也回了志摩一声珍重。Girl is delighted, and of course the back to the volunteers with a treasure.

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也许,这是要有这样的娇羞才能让志摩轻轻天,道一声珍重。Maybe, this is to have such a bashful to let the volunteers, gently say treasure.

好伙伴在经营中——和生活中——都是可遇而不可求的,一定要好好珍重他们。Good partners in business--and in life--are really hard to find, so treat them like gold.

他多想亲手把这条手帕送到她的手里,向她道一声珍重,可终究还是迟了一步。He want to send a handkerchief to her hand, say to her treasure, but late step after all.