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他已应募加入了海军。He has enlisted in the navy.

应征,应募,入伍,参军。He enrolled in the army after graduation.

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毕业后约翰应募入伍。After graduation, John was enrolled for military service.

他应募加入空军对敌作战。He enlisted with the air force to fight against the enemy.

但是对于志愿的应募,应该大力加以鼓励。Voluntary recruitment for these Services should however be strongly encouraged.

他们中的多数是在卡扎菲的据点——利比亚南部城市Sabha应募入伍的。Many were recruited from the southern Libyan city of Sabha, a Gaddafi stronghold.

那个应募而来的人同意当兵,拿出半英镑作为双方成交的酒钱。The recruit took the condition of soldier with half a pound to make it a wet bargain.

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前项第二款及第三款之应募人总数,不得超过三十五人。The total number of offerees under subparagraphs 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 35 persons.

19世纪中叶随着华工应募来到澳大利亚,中医也开始传入澳洲。Along with the recruitment of Chinese workers to Australia in the 19th century, TCM made its first appearance there.

当我决定充分地利用每一个机会时,我照我所收到的命令到礼堂报到,而在那里从职务上我应募入伍了。Determined to make the most of the situation, I followed my orders to report to the auditorium, where I officially enlisted in the army.

第四部分讨论了在私募市场刚刚起步的情况下,我国应当如何界定证券私募制度中的应募人。The fourth section discusses how our country defines the offeree on securities private placement system in the underway situation about the private placement market.

我们会再次应募,延长役期,我们将会攻下这座城市'",阿伽门农说,"好,我会这么做的",于是他把军队全都集结到了战场,并做了简短的发言We're going to re-up and do another term, and we're going to take the city.'" So, Agamemnon says, "Great, I'll do that," And he calls the troops together to battle, and he makes his little speech.

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有关私募有价证券转让之限制,应于不动产投资信讬受益证券以明显文字注记,并于交付应募人或购买人之相关书面文件中载明。The transfer limitations of privately placed securities shall be explicitly noted on the REIT Beneficial Securities, and recorded in related written documents delivered to the subscriber or purchaser.