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鸡粒青豆汤或奶油蘑菇汤。Consomme a la Reint or cream of mushrooms.

今天的特色汤是青豆蘑菇汤。The soup of the day is green bean or mushroom.

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我喜欢吃青豆,卷心菜,鱼和豆腐。I like to eat green beans, cabbage, fish and tofu.

我们可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆吗?。May I recommend the shrimps sauted with green peas?

我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。May I recommend the shrimps sautéed with green peas?

一道简单又营养的腰果青豆做好了,你想试试吗?A simple and nutrition cashew beans, you want to try?

我喜欢吃青豆,卷心菜,鱼和豆腐。I am interested in beans , cabbages, fishes and tofu.

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米饭、炸面、肉炒蛋和青豆。Rice, fried noodles, meat with eggs, and green beans.

今天厨师长特选是青豆蔬菜。The chef's special today is vegetable with green peas?

青豆可以散装,也可以用麻袋装。The green beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags.

青豆可能散装,也能够用麻袋装。The green beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags.

尼斯沙拉配金枪鱼,青豆,土豆和橄榄。Nicoise salad with tuna, green beans, potatoes and olives.

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这种品牌的罐装青豆不含人造色素。This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring.

在青豆上撒少量打碎的烤胡桃仁或核桃仁。Sprinkle chopped, toasted pecans or walnuts over green beans.

用青豆熬成的爱尔登汤,有如一篇科天的抒情诗。Alden Soup boiled with lima beans looks like a lyric for autumn.

将猪肉、鲜冬菇、青豆和切碎的洋葱放在碗里拌匀。Mix the pork, mushrooms, beans and the chopped onions in a bowl.

取一大平底锅,烧水煮青豆4到5分钟,加盐调味。Cook the beans in a large pan of boiling salted water for 4-5 mins.

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继续翻炒意饭2分钟,一直把芦笋和青豆炒熟。Cook risotto for a further 2 minutes until asparagus and peas are tender.

包括有沙拉蔬菜,芦笋,青豆,西兰花和西葫芦。Examples include — salad greens, asparagus, green beans, broccoli and zucchini.

倒入饭,菠萝肉,提子,青豆,鸡蛋和虾仁,调入咖喱粉,盐和糖,继续翻炒至熟。Add in rice, diced pineapple, raisins, green peas, egg and shrimps. Stir briefly.