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爱情看起来像一条睡裤Does it look like a pair of pyjamas

快去收拾你的牙刷和睡裤吧。Time to pack up your toothbrush and pajamas.

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活泼轻爽的睡衣睡裤,穿着舒服。In lively and light style are comfortable to wear.

在她看来,睡衣睡裤同样会缠绕着身体。Pajamas, in her opinion, were not less prone to this twisting.

活泼轻爽的睡衣睡裤,穿着舒服。The pajamas In lively and light style are comfortable to wear.

睡袍尚有贴身口袋+长睡裤腰部有松紧带,前有系绳绑带。Long Pajama pants have an elasticized waist drawstring tie front.

睡裤功能束带腰部绑了一个简单的,可调适合。Pajama pants feature a drawstring waist tie for an easy, adjustable fit.

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有时候起床后我的睡裤上会有一块又湿又粘的地方。I sometimes wake up with a wet, sticky spot on my underwear or pajama pants.

他点点头。安妮突然很惊慌,她在被单底下摸她的睡裤。He nods. Ann, suddenly panicked, feels under the sheets for her pyjama bottoms.

可以将裤管向上卷起,打造锥形感觉,或者保持裤腿的宽大,将睡裤的感觉进行到底。Taper them in with a turn-up or keep them wide of leg, continuing the palazzo feel.

我急匆匆地赶去上班,却在路上发现自己还穿着睡裤,所以不只得回家换裤子了。I went all the way to the office and realized I was still in my pajamas and had to go home to change.

第二天早上,一些穿着睡裤的乘客在车厢过道里穿梭,他们是要去餐车。The next morning, passengers stroll through the aisles in pajamas , making their way to the dining car.

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很浓郁的咖啡味会像你的睡裤后面有一个鱼钩一样把你从床上钓出来。The strong scent of strong coffee will pull you out of bed like a fishhook in the back of your pajamas.

通常是较年轻的女性,不过几周前我丈夫曾在卖酒的店里看到过一个穿法兰绒睡裤的男人买了半打装的酒。Usually it's younger women, but my husband saw a man in flannel pajama pants at the liquor store a few weeks ago buying a six-pack.

她把隔板竖了起来,把她推到壁炉跟前,弯腰把他的法兰绒睡裤往下拉到袜子那儿,遮住他光光的小腿部位。She put the screen up and pushed him close, then leaned over to pill his flannel pajamas down to meet his socks, protecting his bare shins.

1846年,哈里·拉姆斯登爵士在印度旁遮普指挥英军,用旁遮普睡裤取代了他的亮色白裤,以求找到减轻摆脱酷热的办法。In 1846 Sir Harry Lumsden, commanding as English troop in Punjab, India traded in his bright white trousers for pajama bottoms to find relief from the heat.

在这里声明一下,我没有这样的睡裤。不过如果我写这篇文章所得的报应只是违反时尚的犯罪的话,我觉得自己很幸运。In my defense, I own no such pajama bottoms. But if a crime against fashion is the only comeuppance I get from writing the article, I consider myself lucky.

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原因是“他欢天喜地地拍着双手,立即冲进房间换上米老鼠耳朵和唐老鸭连脚睡裤。”" This was presumably followed by "he clapped his hands in glee, and immediately ran to his room to change into the mouse ears and Donald Duck footy pajamas.

开始一天的工作之前请穿戴整洁,虽说穿上生业套装没有必要,但在米哈伊看来,要是你穿着拖鞋和睡裤在家里闲逛,你是不会有工作的觉得的。Get fully dressed before starting the day. While wearing business attire isn't necessary, Ms. Mihaly says, 'you won't feel like you're at work if you're paddling around in fuzzy slippers and jammies.

安杰利娜的母亲罗萨娜·贾尼说,女儿一直都是与众不同的,她常常修改自己的衣服,比如剪掉长袖、在过短的睡裤上缝上花边。Angelina's mother, Rosana Giani, said that her daughter is never afraid of being different and customizes her own clothes by cutting long sleeves, or sewing ruffles on pajama pants that are too short.