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就是你给我最窝心的说话。Love You More Than I Can Say!

爱是无微不至的窝心呵护。Love is the Woxin meticulous care.

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你遇到过让你觉得窝心的邻居吗?Have you met a warm-hearted neighbor?

多半女人喜欢心地善良令人窝心的老公。Most women prefer husbands with big hearts.

那真的好窝心,它是什么意思?。That's really beautiful. What does it mean?

窝心圣诞礼遇,就在眼前。Heart-warming Christmas rewards are within reach!

他的小安雅,真的好窝心。His little Anne friendship, really good nest heart.

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好友洋溢著关怀,令我窝心?釴。I am warmed by the outpouring of concern from good friends.

谢谢大家对我送上的祝贺。你们是如此的窝心。Thank you all of you for congratulating me. You guys are so sweet.

试着去喜欢她的朋友,而且让她有她有空间隐私,那她们就会非常体贴窝心地待你。Try to likes her friends and let she has her privacy, then she can be very sweet to you.

我妻子和珍一直都互相鼓励并支持彼此,看到他们这样使人非常窝心。My wife and Jen are a great support system for each other, it's fun to even look at them.

在这些新规则落实之前,他们连磋商的余地都没有,这一点令他们尤为窝心。And they are annoyed that there was little consultation before these rules were published.

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当你照其中某个点子去做,你会感觉很好,被你感谢的那个人也会觉得窝心。You will feel good trying one of the ideas, and the person being thanked will feel good too.

对于爱琳对扶轮基金会的承诺请转达我们的问候及窝心的感谢。Please relay our greetings and warm appreciation to Eileen for her commitment to The Rotary Foundation.

朵索不想要苏切的遗产,不希望他死去,她会好好照顾苏舒薇,苏切感到很窝心。Cut flower guy dont want to Sues legacy, dont want him to die, she will take good care of Su Shu eu, Sue was very great.

一项新研究称,拥有一份琐碎麻烦、不稳定且不被认同的差劲工作,甚至比没有工作更让人窝心。A new study says that having a demanding, unstable and thankless job may make you even unhappier than not having a job at all.

上盖的大拉鍊内侧增加窝心且独特的衬边设计能更妥善保护您的精密器材。Full protection on the main zipper and KATA's unique cover makes sure your sensitive equipment is well protected from the elements.

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用白色丝带悬挂在你的圣诞树上,也可作为一件窝心的礼物。Hang this exquisite decoration from your Christmas tree using the white satin ribbon, or offer it as a thoughtful and elegant gift!

月光下,闪烁的警灯划出条条窝心的归路,耀眼的反光条却再也掩盖不了那一群忙碌的身影。The moonlight, flashing lights underline tutte path, dazzling cozy glance bar was no longer can not hide that a group of busy figure.

因为长大,所以变得不善于表达感情,那曾对我们来说窝心的言辞己放在心灵排行的很后面去了。Because growing up, so get good at expressing feelings, it is gratifying that we had been on the minds of the rhetoric behind the rankings is gone.