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但是为什么唯独是健康恐慌呢?But why this health scare in particular?

唯独一爱你那朝圣者的心。Bue one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.

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青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。Youth will break, but memory lasts forever.

所有的墙都倒了,唯独一面墙仅存。The walls, with one exception, had fallen in.

你,也唯独是你,让我觉得自己是活着。You and you alone make me feel that I am alive.

唯独一人爱你朝圣者的心But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.

我们唯独在基督里和藉著基督,才能得蒙神的悦纳。We are accepted by God in and through Christ alone.

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难道我只能听大家对我讲,唯独不能听范妮本人给我讲讲吗?Am I to hear of it from everybody but Fanny herself?

在这闹嚷嚷的一群中,唯独没有狗。Among all of them, only the dog did not say anything.

唯独艾米显得有些孤零点零的一个人。But Amy appear some solitary zero point zero a person.

这是我的第六次演出,而唯独这次,我在台上僵住了。This was my 6th performance and the only time I froze.

奥巴马精通太多法律,唯独对莎士比亚知之甚少。Obama has read too much law and not enough Shakespeare.

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被我感动的听众何其多,却唯独没有你。I've been touched by how much the audience, but not you.

哦,主啊,让你这群小羊,唯独承认你的圣名。Lord, let this your little flock, Your name alone confessing.

在所有受造物中,唯独人是按着神的形象被造的。In all of creation, only human beings are made “in God's image.

在舞会上,大多数女士戴着首饰,唯独玛丽别着一朵花。At the ball most ladies wore jewellery, only Mary wore a flower.

唯独忘不掉的是,藏在书包里的那些回忆。But what we can't forget are those memories we hidden in the bag.

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唯独归你一人,不可与外人同用。Let them be for yourself alone, and not for sharing with strangers.

没有人能听到他们的哀告,唯独慈爱的神能听到。No one hears their cries—no one but God, who hears and is merciful.

而我唯独选择落在燕竹花上,因为我渴望友谊。But I only choice in YanZhu flower, because I longed for friendship.