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我的自尊心太强了。My pride is too strong.

你伤害了他的自尊心。You have wounded his pride.

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她的冷漠伤害了他的自尊心。He was piqued by her indifference.

你的话伤害了她的自尊心。Your words touched her self-esteem.

那会严重伤害她的自尊心。It would be mortifying her severely.

我们最好别伤男人的自尊心。We'd better not injure a man's pride.

她的自尊心促使她去完成这项工作。Her pride drove her to complete the job.

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当你的自尊心开始遽然下跌时。When your self-esteem starts to plummet.

我们是怕你伤自尊心。We are afraid to injure your self-esteem.

但是你务必先要放下你的自尊心。But make sure you swallow your pride first.

她的自尊心被伤害了,她想报复。Her pride was hurt and she felt revengeful.

不能伤害小孩的自尊心。We shouldn't injure children's self-esteem.

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放弃那些由于自尊心驱使的目标.Give up achieving a lot of ego-driven goals.

总之,我伤害了他们的自尊心。In short, I have wounded their amour-propre.

想要为您的自尊心加加油了吧。So you want to supercharge your self esteem.

他为贪图物质财富而出卖了他的自尊心。He bartered away his pride for material gain.

依赖性自尊心有它积极的一面。Dependent self-esteem can be a positive force.

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他贬低我的努力时,我的自尊心受到了伤害。I was very hurt when he denigrated my efforts.

明白什么是个人的不安全感和自尊心。Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem.

他悔不该那天使她的自尊心受到很大伤害。He will rue the day when he hurt her pride deeply.