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今天冷飕飕的。It's chilly today.

早晨开始变得冷飕飕的了。The mornings begin chilly.

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外面的风冷飕飕的。The wind is as cold as charity outside.

今天早上冷飕飕。It's a freezing, freezing morning today.

这是个灰蒙蒙冷飕飕的下午。The afternoon was as grey as lead and cold.

正刮着冷飕飕的风,夜幕正在降临。A cold wind was blowing, and night was falling.

外面冷飕飕的,我还是最好呆在家里吧。It is chilly outside. I might as well stay at home.

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冷飕飕的冬夜最适合吃火锅了。Hot pot is the best thing to have on a cold winter night.

但,在我的内心深处也有一个地方冷飕飕的。But, also has a place in mine heart of hearts to be chilly.

他们被安排在一个冷飕飕的地下室。Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement.

如今,每逢二月,札榥便成为一个冷飕飕的热门景点。Now, during the month of February, Sapporo becomes a cold hot spot.

假如你呆在厨房里呆久了,就会觉得冷飕飕的。If you stay in the kitchen stay for a long time, it will feel chilly.

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此时,冷飕飕的伴着沙尘的风又从窗外吹过。At this point, the chilly with dust and wind blowing through the window.

不过,还好有他的出现,帮我把那冷飕飕的心给填满了!However, has his appearance fortunately, helped me for to fill up that chilly heart!

接着,劲风骤起,一路尘土飞扬,冷飕飕地,预示着该发生的一切即将来临。Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come.

紧接着,狂风骤起,一路抽打起地上的尘土,冷飕飕地警示着即将到来的一切。Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road , chill warning of what is to come.

接着,劲风骤起,鞭打道路,尘土飞扬。冷飕飕的,警示着即将发生的一切。Then, strong winds blew up, lashed roads and kicked up the dust, warning of what would happen next.

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温度恰巧在零度以上,有一点点冷飕飕的,但是对于时代广场的新年前夜来说也不错。Temperatures were just above freezing, a little chilly, but not bad for New Year's Eve in Times Square.

冷飕飕的风从他周边的灌木丛吹过,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱声。The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting.

黑暗,足有一分钟我不知道发生什么事了,整个空间都是湿乎乎冷飕飕的。It was dark. For a minute I didn't know what happened and where I was. The whole place was damp and chilly.