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这张票据已到期。The bill is due.

票据即将到期。The bill will soon fall due.

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签证下月到期。The visa expires next month.

他们的执照已到期。Their licences have expired.

明天是一张还未到期的本票。Tomorrow is a promissory note.

保修单什么时候到期?When did the guarantee run out?

而这项安排将于2010年到期。The arrangement expires in 2010.

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预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

租赁契约在1999年到期。The 99-year lease expired in 1999.

签证到期后怎样延长签证?How to extend a visa if it expires?

合同九月到期。The contract terminates in September.

这些图书馆的图书下个月到期应还。These library books are due next month.

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存款到期时可以转期续存吗?Can I renew the certificate at maturity?

这个项目到期后会发生什么?What happens after that program expires?

你必须在到期前把书还回来。You must return the book before it is due.

我们的钱已用完,租约又到期了。Our funds had run out and our lease was up.

那天,禁制令到期了。The restraining order had expired that day.

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友情链接必须是永久的,积极的,从来没有到期。All links must be on-page PR, not domain PR.

而黑仁的租约快到期了。The lease on Heather's apartment is up soon.

我们的合同在本月底到期。Our contract runs out at the end of the month.