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优秀的播音员在主持节目时应字正腔圆。An excellent announcer should pronounce every word clearly when hosting a programme.

这想法就是,不必用电脑上网,更不用滑鼠,你只要说话字正腔圆。The idea you don't have to have a computer to access to Internet. Forget a mouse click.

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这想法就是,不必用电脑上网,更不用鼠标,你只要说话字正腔圆。The idea you don’t have to have a computer to access to Internet. Forget a mouse click.

虽然称不上字正腔圆,却也是别有滋味。Although do not say to go up clear pronunciation and mellow voice, but also don't have taste.

文章还引用了一位教师的话,说那小男孩还能字正腔圆地讲出外国城市的名称。A teacher was quoted as saying that the little boy could also pronounce the names of the foreign cities correctly.

在声乐教学中要使学生字正腔圆,非常有必要对方言特点进行分析研究,这样才能在教学中有的放矢。In order to teach the students to pronounce accurately and exquisitely, it is necessary to analyze the features of the dialect.

最爱说的说永远是中国话,字正腔圆落地有声说话最算话。Most liked saying that said forever was Chinese, the clear pronunciation and mellow voice landing has a speech most to turn out as said.

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字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。Fold vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing.

字正腔圆、以字行腔、声情并茂是民族声乐演唱者必须遵守的法则。Folk vocalists may abide by the rules of decent articulation, phonating with words and binding vocality and affection together when they are performing.

康妮说,“你应当看看安迪在夜总会唱歌时的情景,字正腔圆而且还会和女嘉宾调情,他完全变了一个人。”“You should see Andy down at the club singing word-perfectly and playing up flirtatiously to the women, ” said Connie. “He turns into a different person.”

民族唱法在歌唱中还强调“字正腔圆”、“以情带声,声情并茂”的原则。The race sing a method to still emphasize the principle of"the word positive chamber circle", "take a voice by feeling, voice feeling combine luxuriant" in sing.

字正腔圆,是对演唱者唱好一首歌曲最基本的要求,同时也是演唱者将歌曲的内涵正确地表达出来,影响感染观众、听众的最基本手段。To pronounce correctly and sing mellowly are the basic demand for a singer and a basic means to express the song's implication and influence the audiences and listeners.

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片段里的人皆是在香港土生土长而融入香港的社会,他们不止讲原汁原味,字正腔圆的广东话甚至承袭香港的许多习俗。The people in this documentary have grown up in Hong Kong taking. Not only do they speak flawless Cantonese, moreover they have adopted many of the common Chinese customs.

字正腔圆的发音,洪亮的音色,广阔的音域,良好的呼吸方式,有助操练健康的体魄,专业的形体操丰富的表情,乐观的笑容。Exercising your physical stamina through clear enunciation, loud and clear tones, wide pitch, good breathing methods, proper posture, expressive facial movements and optimistic smiles.

元音字正腔圆,发音清晰,呼吸匀称,表达方式合适,音域悦耳,说话自然,所有这些都会使你事半功倍。Pure vowel sounds, articulation, proper breathing, expressive speaking patterns, a pleasing vocal range, naturalness, all these will make you get twice the result with half the effort.

这并非说,只要不去超越日常口头表达规范,你便可轻而易举地出口字正腔圆,发音抑扬适度。It does not follow that it is an easy thing to give the true accent and inflection to the words you utter, because you do not attempt to rise above the level of ordinary life and colloquial speaking.