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该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.

我辞职是因为我想尝试些不一样的东西。The reason I wnat to abdicate is to try something different.

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如同丧家之犬的溥仪也随之神情沮丧地宣读了退位主诏书。Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicate rescript.

袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位,把政权交给了他。Yuan Shikai forced emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.

作为这个俱乐部的成员,你不能放弃你的责任。As a member of this club, you can't abdicate your responsibilities.

尽管如此,现在还没有迹象表明这个古怪的领导人有可能会退位。However, there is no serious sign the erratic leader might abdicate.

三年后,他诱导孩子逼宫在他的赞成票。Three years later, he induced the boy emperor to abdicate in his favour.

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他被迫让位,为此举国降下半旗。He was forced to abdicate and all over the country flags flew at half-mast.

以退为进,这好象是僧侣制度的座右铭。To abdicate with the object of reigning seems to be the device of monasticism.

国王日益恶化的健康状况加强了人们对他即将退位的猜测。His declining health added weight to speculation that the king would soon abdicate.

而英国则希望另一候选人管理桑给巴尔,所以要求侄子退位。The British wanted another candidate to run Zanzibar, and demanded the nephew abdicate.

我记得有只白粉蝶在街上飞来飞去,可见夏日依然君临一切。I remember a white butterfly which went and came in the street. Summer does not abdicate.

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监控全部流程并提供支持——对委派的任务,你可不能不闻不问。Monitor progress and providesupport – you cannot abdicate responsibility after delegating.

当年十月,立刻逼迫汉献帝禅位,自立为皇帝。Year in October, immediately forced the Han Xiandi abdicate the throne, self-reliance for the emperor.

但是鲁尼不认为作客古迪逊公园球场会很轻松。But Looney did not think that sojourns ancient to abdicate the park field to be able to be very relaxed.

他们就需要更多的援助,而非洲国家的政府会再次推卸责任。They'll have to get more aid. And African governments once again get to abdicate their responsibilities.

然而,只要你不放弃对社会权利的选择,高档享受不可避免地成为富人的特有的领域。But expensive things are inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice.

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许多人不愿意对投资自己动脑子,但是,你不能把所有责任都托付给别人。Many people don't want to have to think about their investments, but you can't abdicate all responsibility.

在远古时期,皇帝的名字叫做杜宇被迫退位而未履行他一生的志向。In remote antiquity, an emperor by the name of Du Yu was forced to abdicate without fulfilling his life's ambition.

他试图进行军事改革,但是官僚贵族派系的力量对他来说太过于强大,因而他被迫退位。He attempted to carry out military reforms, but the civil party was too strong for him and he was forced to abdicate.