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不久就要宣布这班飞机的起飞时间了。The flight will is announce soon.

售票员会报站的。The conductor will announce the stops.

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里面还有宣传单。There still is announce handbill inside.

我今天将宣布大调整吗?Am I going to announce a big shake-up today?

兹订于本周末举行舞会。This is to announce the ball on the weekend.

我们匆忙写了一封信宣布这消息。We dashed off a letter to announce the news.


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素食天使明天有好消息发布!Vege Angel Has Great News to Announce Tomorrow!

她审慎地咳了一声以让人注意自己在场。She coughed discreetly to announce her presence.

真主保佑,今天,我宣布印度解体。Today, I announce the breakup of India, inshallah.

而金融类企业每天都会传出新的裁员消息。And financial companies announce new layoffs daily.

是肯尼兹过来向我的主人报告这件事的。Mr Kenneth came to announce the event to my master.

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而我们将在下一个月宣布得奖者。PAUL We'll announce the winner the following month.

汽笛声宣告了火车已经开车。The whistle blew to announce the train’s departure.

这一刻,宣告着农忙时期的结束。At this moment, to announce the end of busy periods.

他们希望她将宣布参加竞选州长。They are hoping that she will announce for governor.

下面我会就怎样去宣告私奔列出一些建议。Here are instructions on how to announce an elopement.

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纳达尔从头承受拜候,说他年夜腿抽筋了。Nadal returned to announce he felt cramp in his thigh.

但当局却迟迟不宣布这个坏消息。But the authorities are reluctant to announce bad news.

他们的首个拦截导弹系统竟然是导弹中段拦截。The first interceptor they announce is a mid course one.