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预知是超视力的一种形式。Precognition is a form of clairvoyance.

预知是超人的洞察力的一种形式。Precognition is a form of clairvoyance.

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有时,领导人也会陷入洞察力的陷阱。Sometimes, leaders fall into the clairvoyance trap.

灰尘是在他的指甲下以及在他的眼睛里的千里眼。The dirt is under his nails and the clairvoyance in his eyes.

但是这样的“先知”、“千里眼”毕竟是凤毛麟角。But there is precious little sign that such clairvoyance exists.

圣玛拉基据说是拥有悬浮、治疗和透视的力量。St. Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance.

无碍视指看到或在心里呈现通常视力范围以外的事物或事件。Clairvoyance is ability to see or visualize objects and events beyond the range of normal sight.

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无论从透视学或质感来说是无与匹敌的简直是活了。No matter what from clairvoyance and character feel aspect say is incomparable and its simple alive.

在Kaku看来,只有永动机和超级视觉属于此不可能之类。Mr Kaku identifies just perpetual-motion machines and clairvoyance as being truly beyond the realm of possibility.

“遥视”这个术语呈现出总体性的速记,去描述这个建筑物,从而接近千里眼。The term "remote viewing" emerged as a generalised short hand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance.

这里的交流是通过高层次的心灵感应的想象进行的,和一对一的超视力相似,只是更生动、更真实。Communication here, is done by high level telepathic imaging, similar to one-on-one clairvoyance only much more vivid and real.

从占星术、千里眼术到新世纪神秘主义、另类疗法,这些貌似无伤大雅、实际上完全非理性的活动人气非常旺盛。Apparently harmless but utterly irrational belief systems from astrology to New Age mysticism, clairvoyance to alternative health remedies are booming.

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对于外贸依存度高的来说,必须对国际经济环境的巨大变化具有清醒认识。As a country having a high degree of dependence on export, China must have a deep clairvoyance about the great changes in current global economic situation.

在马歇尔发表上述声明以后,人们无需具有特别致锐的眼光也能看出,中国那早已广泛展开的内战,即将变成一场争夺中国大陆的全面冲突。鉴于交通随时可能断绝,我决定马上动身去解放区。After Marshall's statement, no clairvoyance was needed to see that China's already full-fledged civil war would become an all-out conflict for control of the Asiatic continent.

她要我们相信她最大的愿望是希望我们幸福,但是即使是那个时候凭着我小孩子神秘的的直觉我都知道,她最希望得到的是她从未得到过的丈夫。She assured us that her dearest wish was our welfare, but I knew even then, with the mysterious clairvoyance of childhood, that what she wanted most was the husband she never got.

基于视觉测距原理,在分道线重建和透视投影原理的理论基础上,建立了一种针对高速公路的单目视觉距离测量方法。After that, according to the vision range finding principle, we design monocular vision range detection method for highway based on the theory of lane rebuilding and clairvoyance projection.