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我们又打平手了。We're tying again.

我们都想当然地拴马。We all take tying for granted.

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再拿一分我们就打成平手。One more point and we'll be tying.

打结在攀岩运动中是至关重要的。Knot tying is vital in rock climbing.

法国队员再得一分,他们就平球了。If Fance scores one more point, they'll be tying.

我问道,扔下耙子,系上帽子。I asked, flinging down my rake and tying my bonnet.

我问,丢下耙,系上帽子。I asked, flinging down my rake, and tying my bonnet.

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你的绑紧帽子的方法被证明是有效的。Your method tying the hat was proved to be efficient.

科比命中了8个三分球,平了NBA的记录。Bryant made eight three-pointers, tying an NBA record.

这个笔记本电脑是把他往下拽,还是给他带去自由?Is the laptop tying him down, or about to set him free?

圆形弹性鞋带,从来没有撤消或需要搭售。Round elastic shoelaces which never undo or need tying.

将树顶端固定在房顶的挂钩上,以避免树倾倒。Keep the tree from toppling by tying it to a ceiling hook.

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看看吧,哈根达斯最后又很聪明地回到了公司的核心使命——生产冰激凌上了。Again, smartly tying it back to the company’s core mission.

这就是为什么你要养成安全的拴马习惯。That's why it is essential that you use safe tying practices.

将尊荣给愚昧人的,好像人把石子包在机弦里。Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool.

从不栓马笼头,也不可栓缰或短距离拴马。Never tie by the bridle, either using the reins or tying the bit.

旃遮在肚子里缠了块木头,装作怀孕的样子。Tying a piece of wood over her belly to make herself look pregnant.

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即使没有铁路网,东南亚地区也将彼此联系起来。Even without a railway network, the region is tying itself together.

我想问下,这儿有工程专业的同学吗Here I'm tying to the engineering-- Is anyone here from engineering?

开会日期的混乱是因为打错字英语口语培训造成的。The confusion about the date of the meeting arose from a tying error.