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我把它扔到废纸篓里了。I threw it in the wastebasket.

你会将这本杂志扔到废纸篓里去。You would throw the magazine in the wastebasket.

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教室后面的左角处有纸篓。There is a wastebasket in the left back corner ofthe classroom.

天啊!垃圾桶里塞满了千元钞票!Holy mackerel! The wastebasket is full of thousand-dollar bills!

自动存档会将旧项目移动到档案存储区,并清空“已删除的邮件”文件夹。AutoArchive moves old items into an archive store and deletes items in your wastebasket.

所以他返回了办公室,恰恰赶在守卫的前面捡回了垃圾桶。So back he went to the office. Just ahead of the night janitor, he picked up the wastebasket.

装在纸袋中的爱,他忽略了它,不仅忽略了它,还把它扔进了垃圾桶。Love in a paper bag, and he missed it — not only missed it, but had thrown it in the wastebasket.

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赢家用不同的方法赚钱,输家由于冲动而竹篮打水一场空。Winners make money in different ways, while all losers fall into the same wastebasket of impulsivity.

这俩家伙走后,瘦子季曼拿起名片丢进他的废纸篓里。After the gangsters left, Skinny Zyama picked up the business card and flicked it into his wastebasket.

前端设置了废纸篓放置区,方便医生操作,同时节省检查室空间。There is a wastebasket at former, so it is convenience for doctor to operate, and save examination space.

当你咳嗽或打喷嚏时用棉纸巾罩在你的鼻子和嘴上,而且要及时将你用过的棉纸巾放人废纸篓。Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and put your used tissue in a wastebasket right away.

按魔术贴而成,并设置漏斗的水桶或圆形或长方形的塑料废纸篓顶部。Press the Velcro pieces together, and set the funnel on top of a bucket or a round or rectangular plastic wastebasket.

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快收盘时,许多交易员轻松地将废纸团投进废纸蒌,这与近几个月来一到收盘大家就头痛的景象形成对比。Near the closing bell, in contrast with the aspirin-popping of recent months, a couple of traders shot wads of paper into a wastebasket.

那天晚上临睡前,我非常烦躁不安,以至于从枕头底下拿出我的小毛毯,把它仍进了废纸篓里。That night before bedtime, I was so upset that I took the little piece of blanket out from under my pillow and threw it in the wastebasket.

已经解渴者弃井而去,橘子一旦被榨干,就会从金盘落入垃圾桶。He that has satisfied his thirst turns his back on the well, and the orange once squeezed fall from the golden platter into the wastebasket.

一直缺席的是爱因斯坦,已年过半百,不属圈内人士,总企图利用大量蹩脚的观点推翻量子力学,但枉费心机。Absent altogether was Einstein, past 50 and out of the loop, trying to overthrow quantum mechanics with a wastebasket full of crumpled ideas.

然后我去刷牙了,等我回来,我的猫咪,高,撞倒了废纸篓,并正拖着我扔掉的小毛毯在玩,仿佛这是世界上最让它兴奋的小猫玩具。I went to brush my teeth. When I came back, my cat, cow, had knocked over the wastebasket and was playing with my baby-blanket scrap like it was the most exciting cat toy in the world.