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抑或她就是欣桐自己?Or she is at my hin?

我们是翰轩棋社的受害人。We are the victims of John Hin Qishe.

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陈超与欣儿感情遇冷。Chen and hin son feelings encounter cold.

陈超回家乡代为照顾欣母。Chen back home to look after their mother hin.

睡时我的憨态想必轩也看见。Cuddly looks when I must have slept Hin also seen.

就我知道的凤仪轩美容美体连锁加盟还不错。Fung Hin as I know, Beauty and Body Franchise bad.

下午的晚些时候我们将返回华欣和差安。In the late afternoon we will return to Hua Hin and Cha Am.

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在MTG系统内部,两个代理之间进行协议转换。W IT hin the MTG system, the two agents translate protocols.

为这一只羊羔,要同献奠祭的酒一欣四分之一。Its drink offering shall be a quarter of a hin for each lamb.

嘉丽与显收到心水礼物会感到很高兴和感谢。Ka Lai and Hin is feeling grateful to receive gift in the wishlist.

欣儿的行径打动了徐峰,取得了他的原谅,给了欣儿自信心。Hin son ways moved m, made his pardon, gave hin son self-confidence.

在客户眼中,我们每一位员工都代表欣荣。In the customer's eyes, we every employee representatives hin majesty.

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那本书里有好些个事情我简直一点儿也看不懂。There are things hin that book that I didn't know the first word about.

早上我们将在华欣或差安你居住的旅馆接你。You will be picked up at you hotel in Hua Hin or Cha Am in the morning.

下午晚些时候你将回到华欣或差安的旅馆。In the late afternoon you will be back in the hotel in Hua Hin or Cha Am.

梓博传短讯给黑天使,表示知道对方是可欣。Catalpa bo send text messages to dark angel, said know each other is a hin.

图6给出了一个基于SOA的HIN架构的图形化描述。Figure 6 gives a graphical depiction of the architecture of an SOA-based HIN.

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简同情街上的乞丐所以给他一百元钱。Jane felt sorry for the beggar in the street and gave hin one hundred dollars.

它位于华欣西部的丛林地带,即将被开发。Located west of Hua Hin this unspoiled jungle area, is waiting to be explored.

桂皮五百舍客勒,都按着圣所的平,又取橄榄油一欣shekels of cassia-all according to the sancturary shekel-and a hin of olive oil.