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翻译是一种跨文化的活动。Translation is a kind of transcultural activity.

他是真正跨文化的人物,一个认识做人之仁的汉子。He was a truly transcultural person, and a man who had realized his humanity.

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翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化的交流活动。Translation is both a translinguistic and transcultural communications activity.

国际企业跨文化经营时,必然遭遇文化差异的冲击。Transnational enterprises will surely encounter culture shock in transcultural operation.

因此,对于现代企业来说,如何恰当的开展跨文化培训就显得十分重要。Therefore, how to carry out transcultural training is rather important to modern enterprises.

分析了跨国公司的所有权、产品战略和跨文化管理问题。The expanding ways, ownership, strategies for products, transcultural management are also analyzed.

全球化对中国武术的跨文化传播既是一种挑战,也是一种机遇。Globalization is a challenge, also an opportunity, for transcultural communication of Chinese Wushu.

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在全球化浪潮的演进中,跨文化传播日益频繁。In the evolution of the tide of globalization, transcultural communication is ever increasingly frequent.

海梅一世大学人格和心理学小组用两个跨文化项目补充了他们的研究。The Personality and Psychopathology Group at the UJI has complemented these studies with two transcultural projects.

在跨文化言语交际中,交际文化是交际得以顺利进行的一个重要因素。In the transcultural communication, communication culture is one of the important factors for the successful practice.

这门护理学科的焦点在于整合国际和跨文化内容到培训中。The focus of this nursing discipline is on the integration of international and transcultural content into the training.

在跨文化言语交际中,交际文化是交际得以顺利进行的一个重要因素。In the transcultural linguistic communication, communication culture is one of the important factors for the successful pratice.

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跨文化策略可通过培养学生的跨文化意识和提高学生的跨文化交际能力来实现。The tactics can be implemented through fostering students' transcultural awareness and enhancing their ability to make transcultural communication.

本文揭示其作为一种权力彼此制衡的模式,可以为我们今天的跨文化交流提供借鉴。We can therefore disclose a mode of transcultural exchange as a mutual containment of power in order to hold a mirror to the present cultural exchange.

本文从跨文化交际的角度,论述了东西方文化的差异对翻译的影响。This thesis is trying to analyze the influence on translation for the cultural differences between east and west from the point of transcultural communication.

同时,它还可以获得一种新的跨文化普遍性,使人类能够在保持文化差异性和多样性的前提下分享共同人性,重新认识人类的本质。Moreover, it can gain a new transcultural universalism , which could make us find ourselves as humans again by sharing common humanity within our cultural diversity and plurality.

中国武术作为人类智慧的体育实践形式和独特文化现象,必须以积极的姿态,广泛参与世界范围内的跨文化传播。Chinese Wushu, as a form of sports practice and unique cultural phenomenon of human intelligence, must widely participate in worldwide transcultural communication in a positive attitude.

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跨文化管理经常只关注文化差异的负面影响,因此,国际企业在文化整合时重视文化融合。Transcultural management often pays attention to only the negative influence of cultural differences. Hence international enterprises attach importance to the culture merge in culture integration.

影像图形中包含著千言万语,故不需文字或语言可传达作者意念与想法,为可跨越种族、文化与环境区域的共同语言。Pictures and images contained millions of words and stories. Words and languages are not required to pass over the ideal and design of an author, it can be transracial, transcultural second language.