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你多久进行一次房地产抵押品的再评估?How often do you reappraise real estate collateral?

但是他或许还须重新评估他的整个政治战略。But he may yet have to reappraise his entire political strategy.

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其次,成年人应重新评估什么事情对他们最重要。Second, adults should reappraise their priorities about what is important.

目的重新评价胃肠道平滑肌肿瘤的组织发生。Objective To reappraise the origin of gastrointestinal smooth muscle tumors.

因而,本文拟从性别视角对曹禺的剧作进行文本重读与价值重估。This article will be review and reappraise CaoYu's drama from the gender angle.

积极的情绪会拓宽人们的视野,让我们去解决问题和重新评估。Positive emotions broaden our perspective, allowing us to problem-solve and reappraise.

应用过去地估计回归公式时,俺们必须注重对历史数据进行重新估价喜悦。We must take care to reappraise the historical data we use to estimate the regression equation.

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应用过去的估计回归公式时,我们必须注意对历史数据进行…We must take care to reappraise the historical data we use to estimate the regression equation.

民事审判方式改革的核心问题就是要重新评价程序价值。The center of civil judicial reformation is to reappraise the value of civil litigation procedure.

“写下自己的忧虑能够使学生重新思考并评估考试的状态,”Beilock说。"Writing about their worries allows the students to reexamine the testing situation and reappraise it," Beilock says.

为此,以全面、平衡、可持续的观念来重新评价我国社会发展状况,引导其向小康社会正确健康的发展就尤显重要了。So, it is very important for the people to reappraise the development of the social and be leaded to advance health to the well-off social.

进入新的十年是清点个人状态、确立优先事物和设定今后目标的一次良机。Entering a new decade of life can be a absolute time to yield banal of one's bearings, reappraise above-mentionedities and set career goals for the years advanced.

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随着金融风暴的袭来,众多风险投资原先承诺的分期投资现在也需要进行重新评估、大幅缩减甚至终止。As financial storm come over, numerous venture capital investment is former and affirmatory invest to also need to undertake a reappraise now in installment, considerably cut stop even.

很多的机构在从头评估它们的位置以适应着变化的全国,有件事是必定的那便是如果它们不跟随进化之滚动它们将静止并且最终崩溃。Many institutions are having to reappraise their position in this changing world, and one thing is certain that if they do not go with the flow they will stagnate and eventually implode.