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执行构造函数的剩余部分。Executes the rest of the constructor.

调用基类的构造方法。The base-class constructor is called.

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在构造器中注册属性。Register the attributes in the constructor.

您必须具有公共缺省构造器。You must have a public default constructor.

在构造函数中,您将初始化这两个变量。In the constructor you'll initialize them both.

通过将属性传递给构造函数完成这一操作。Do this by passing the properties to the constructor.

它们只通过构造函数初始化。They can only be initialized through the constructor.

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这两个关键字都可以被用作构造函数参数。Both keywords can be used with constructor parameters.

它的构造函数创建共享内存及其中的对象。Its constructor creates the shared memory and objects in it.

某些特性只允许位置构造函数参数。Some attributes only allow positional constructor arguments.

添加的构造函数处理存取顺序选项。The additional constructor deals with the access order option.

除构造函数之外,不再提供任何的可变方法。Do not provide any mutating methods other than the constructor.

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我们没有声明构造函数用其它值来初始化它。There is no constructor defined to initialize it to another value.

但你必须保证构造方法是非私有的才行。You may have to make the constructor nonprivate to make that work.

它只在构造函数内提前读取一次名称空间。It reads the namespaces only one time in advance in the constructor.

还是我错放在第一位通过选择文本对象上的构造函数吗?Should I use a self-invocation function which returns a constructor?

实际上,零参数构造器就是建立一个这样的空链表。In fact, the zero-argument constructor sets up just such an empty list.

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父类中的重写方法不仅局限于构造函数。Overriding methods in a parent class is not limited to the constructor.

而我们添加了基于字符串的构造函数,以便易于使用和测试。We have added the String-based constructor for ease of use and testing.

拷贝构造函数只在需要的情况下动态内存分配吗?。Copy constructor is needed only in the case of dynamic memory allocation?