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大西洋所渔获的也基本上是黄鳍金枪鱼。Atlantic Ocean catches consist mostly of yellowfin.

在小船被几家大型黄鳍金枪鱼。Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna.

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欧洲黄鳍金枪鱼的价格比较稳定,鲣鱼的价格较低。Yellowfin prices in Europe are stable while skipjack prices are weakening.

如果黄鳍金枪鱼的渔获量下降,价格有望稳定。Yellowfin prices are stable and are expected to increase if catches decrease.

远在大西洋上的这两座岛屿让游客得以更容易捕到蓝马林鱼、黄鳍鲔鱼及鲨鱼。Far in the Atlantic Ocean, both islands offer visitors access to blue marlin, yellowfin tuna, and shark.

汤加金枪鱼渔业以延绳钓渔业为主,主要捕捞鱼种是长鳍、黄鳍和大目三种金枪鱼。Longline fishery dominates the Tonga tuna fisheries. Albacore, yellowfin tuna, and bigeye tuna are the main catch species.

目前,我公司加工并出口鱿鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼、印度长头小沙丁鱼、带鱼、墨鱼、虾等等海产品。Presently, we are processors and exporters of seafood as squid, yellowfin tuna, indian oil sardine, ribbon fish, cuttle fish, brown shrimp, etc.

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本文通过对围网捕获的黄鳍金枪鱼渔获数据进行时间序列以及空间位置变化等时空分析,试图找出其变化规律以及趋势。The spatial-temporal analysis of the yellowfin tuna catch data by purse seine in WCPO was made to describe the trend and development of the fishery.

由于来自太平洋和印度洋的供给增多,继续给箭鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼价格增加了压力。Good supply prospects in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are likely to maintain downward pressure on prices for both skipjack and yellowfin for canning.

箭鱼的价格正在下滑,相反,来自大西洋的黄鳍金枪鱼到货很少,在西班牙市场的黄鳍金枪鱼价格稳定并有明显的上升趋势。On the contrary, yellowfin prices, in spite of few arrivals from the Atlantic Ocean, are stable on the Spanish market whereas a price rise is already noticeable on the Italian market.

田纳西河支流之一的鲍威尔河曾在1996年由于煤矿淤泥泄漏遭污染,这一事故连同其他一些因素的影响,导致濒危物种黄鳍连尾的分布范围骤减。The Powell River, a tributary of the Tennessee, was devastated in 1996 by spills of coal-mine sludge, which, among other things, drastically shrank the range of the threatened yellowfin madtom.