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你知道吉娜有幽闭恐惧症吗?Did you know that Jena was claustrophobic?

给人某种幽闭恐怖的感觉。The audience reaction is a sort of claustrophobic impression.

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你能在水下游几秒,而不会感到幽闭恐惧?Can you swim underwater for a few seconds without feeling claustrophobic ?

不要试图插足他们的空间,因为他们先天有幽闭恐惧症。Do not try to invade their space because they are claustrophobic in nature.

水瓶座位居第二是因为他们从不觉得伴侣关系有什么让人开心之处,对他们来说,伴侣关系能导致幽闭恐怖症。Aquarius is next since they are never happy about claustrophobic partnerships.

他说周围的悬崖令他产生幽闭恐惧,沙滩上的石头也使他的脚感到疼痛。He says the cliffs make him claustrophobic. That the stones dig into his feet.

那里有点幽闭恐怖,我们到达那里时,觉得非常冷。It felt slightly claustrophobic and when we got down there it was very chilly.

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我头晕起来,好象得了幽闭恐惧症那样,急于要回到那小屋里去。I felt dizzy, claustrophobic and had an intense desire to get back to the cottage.

向对方解释你有幽闭症,要求对方后退。Ask them to take a step back, explaining that you’re pathologically claustrophobic.

我非常想出去走走,虽然奶奶的房间很舒适但有点让人患上幽闭恐惧症。I desperatelyneed to go for a walk. My grandmother’s room is comforting but claustrophobic.

如果反感幽闭的好莱坞剧场,现场音乐表演场应该很适合你。If you get claustrophobic at the Hollywood Bowl, then neither of the live music venues is for you.

如果你曾做过这样的梦,那是因为现实生活中的某些事物使你感觉被困或是幽闭恐惧。If so, then there is some aspect of your waking life that makes you feel trapped or claustrophobic.

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他们允许病人去在扫描房间里面大量使用这个眼镜去看房间以外的地方,以减少幽闭恐怖症。They allow the patients to see out into the room during the scan which makes the whole experience a lot less claustrophobic.

他们允许病人去在扫描房间里面大量使用这个眼镜去看房间以外的地方,以减少幽闭恐怖症。They allow the patients to see out into the room during the scan which makes the whole experience a lot less claustrophobic.

建筑中,商业类型的大厅为了让可售面积最大化,往往是黑暗的,让人引起幽闭恐惧。Lobbies in commercial typologies, more often than not, are dark and claustrophobic to maximize saleable area in the building.

她们也不易患心脏病。洛夫莱斯认为她们更能适应太空中导致幽闭恐惧的孤独。They're also less prone to heart attacks, and Lovelace considered them better-suited for the claustrophobic isolation of space.

是什么让马格纳斯患上潜水艇幽闭恐怖症,导致她失控并并产生莫名欣快感?Trapped in the claustrophobic sub, what causes Magnus to lose control of herself and act both violent and irrationally euphoric?

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代表着自由的性革命只是一个让人有幽闭恐惧之感的铁壁箱子,这听起来有些讽刺,然而这又说明了什么呢?What does it tell us about the ironies of the sexual revolution that its symbol of liberation was a claustrophobic metal-lined box?

如果你把所有时间都花在办公室里,你甚至可能会出现幽闭恐惧症的症状。A change of scenery helps to put the workplace into perspective. If you spend all your time at work, it can start to feel claustrophobic.

然而此地即将进行一场极具冒险的试验---在狭窄、幽闭的条件下复制一场穿越太阳系的航行。But here an audacious experiment is about to try to replicate the cramped, claustrophobic conditions of a voyage across the Solar System.