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您遇到过那种明明是在虐待,口口声声说这仅仅是支配的人吗?Have you ever seen people who behave abusively but claim it's merely dominance?

它实际上是一种网络环境中的詈骂行为。In fact, it is one kind of the behavior that speaks abusively in network environment.

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他说目的是为了阻止空卷买卖这个被滥用而使股价大副下挫的行为。He says the goal is to stop naked shorting that is done abusively to drive down a stock price.

他们像金属一样重,像朋克一样热衷政治讽刺,还像工业音乐一样滥用悲观。They are as heavy as metal, as politically barbed as Punk, and as abusively cynical as Industrial.

原因有很多人的行为粗暴滥用或顾问时,他们正试图外包。There are many reasons why people act abusively or rudely to consultants when they're trying to outsource.

而技术性贸易壁垒作为一种最主要的保护手段近年来更被各国广泛使用甚至滥用。However technical barriers to trade as one of the most important measures of protection is used widely even abusively.

法官更指摘梅妈母子滥用司法程序,下令两人向对方支付弥偿讼费。The judge criticized Mui Ma and his son using the judicial process abusively , ordered them to pay the legal fees for the defendants.

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达利特因为自身的低种姓地位以前被认为是“不可接触者”,有时也被辱骂成贱民。Dalits, who were formerly known as Untouchables because of their low caste status, are sometimes referred to abusively as chuhra and chamar.

这种强制意志和公共意志必须建立在充分尊重和保障生命权的基础上,不得滥加设置和适用。This compulsory and public will should be established on the basis of fully respecting and safeguard the right of life and should not be established and applied abusively.

当弗朗西斯去世后,生下一名男婴命名哈里顿,辛德雷下降到深处的酗酒和行为更加残酷和滥用对希刺克厉夫。When Frances dies after giving birth to a baby boy named Hareton, Hindley descends into the depths of alcoholism, and behaves even more cruelly and abusively toward Heathcliff.

民事鉴定决定权之归属不明是目前我国现行民事鉴定制度诸多弊端,尤其是重复鉴定泛滥的重要原因之一。The unclearness of decisive right of authentication is one of the disadvantages in current civil authentication system, especially one of main causes of abusively repeated authentication.