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一趟晚班列车隆隆驶过高架铁路。Across the high viaduct rumbles a late train.

广州人民路高架桥是国内第一座高架桥。The Renmin Road Viaduct in Guangzhou is the first viaduct in China.

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皮尔森有一座铁路高架桥,传说常常闹鬼。There was a railroad viaduct in Pilsen that was rumored to be haunted.

高架桥是一个大型的连接机器和线性建筑。The viaduct becomes a large-scale connecting machine and a linear building.

在他们的帮助下,破坏了雅典铁路干线上的一座主要高架桥梁。With their aid a vital viaduct on the main athens railway line was destroyed.

这座高架桥于1995年投入使用,是湖南省第一座城区高架桥。The viaduct , which came into use in 1995, was the first urban flyover in Hunan.

阻止港铁的高架路轨方案破坏香港仔随道至鸭脷洲一带的环境。Stop the MTR viaduct destroying the environment from Aberdeen Tunnel to Ap Lei Chau.

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河坊街步行街尽头与中河中路高架相交处Hefang Street at the end of Walking Street with the intersection of River Road Viaduct

当时D3115次动车从后面撞上D301,将四节车厢从离地面15米的高架桥上摔下。The D3115 slammed into the D301 from behind, sending four cars off a 15-m tall viaduct.

在温州市附近,六节车厢脱轨,四节车厢从高架桥上掉落,导致210人受伤。Six cars derailed and four fell off a viaduct in the accident, which also injured 210 people.

这种形式的桥梁结构在轨道交通高架桥中推广的可能性值得研究。The feasibility of generalizing this kind of girder to metro viaduct expected to research more.

本文从交通角度来评价上海南北高架道路的运行状况。The paper evaluates the operation status of Shanghai South-North Viaduct from the traffic angle.

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有一天,开车在高架桥上,突然想直接开下桥去,但最后还是放弃了。One day, driving on the viaduct and suddenly want to go directly under the bridge, but finally gave up.

从而对今后桥上轨道交通的环境振动评价、可行性研究与设计提供理论参考。The results can offer reference to feasibility study, design and construction of viaduct railway track.

针对普通公路高架桥引起的地面振动问题提出了一种预测地面响应的有效方法。An effective method was proposed to predict the ground responses in the near field due to traffic on a highway viaduct.

这一段就像龙华街道的大动脉,沿着和平路,高高耸起。This section, comprising of three viaduct stations, is like the Artery of Longhua District, elevated high along Heping Road.

预制节段拼装连续梁桥可广泛应用于高架桥和轻轨等建设项目。The precast segmental construction technique is widely used in the viaduct structures for both vehicular and light rail systems.

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沙田至长沙湾段全长约6公里,由高架道路及收费隧道群组成。The section of Tsing Sha Highway between Sha Tin and Cheung Sha Wan is about 6 km in length, comprising viaduct and tolled tunnels.

当我们驶下进入莫拉达巴德市的高架桥时,我看到一名男子推着一辆二轮运货马车爬上陡峭的山坡,车上装载的货物非常大,挡住了他的视线。As we came down a viaduct into Moradabad, I saw a man pushing a cart up thesteep hill, piled with a load so large it blocked his view.

因此,针对高架桥荫绿化带的光照分布特征进行合理布局是改善桥荫植物生长不良的有效途径。It was suggested that suitable greening distribution could be effective in improving the growth condition of the plants under viaduct.