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劳伦斯·伯格的人生态度一向比较严谨。Lawrence Burgh has a sober outlook on life.

星期六的下午三点,我们在博格房见面。At three Saturday afternoon, we met at Burgh House.

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苏格兰中东部县区,位于爱丁堡西北方向。A burgh of east-central Scotland northwest of Edinburgh.

佩思苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh.

用餐的时候,切忌打饱嗝,否则会被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。It is very rude to burgh during meals, or it will be seen as a very rude behaviour.

他曾跟一位大夫当学徒,后在爱丁堡大学学医,1832年毕业。He was apprenticed to a doctor, studied medic in eat Ed in burgh University and graduated in 1832

苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口5,900。A burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population, 5,900.

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汉密尔顿苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口51,900。A burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population, 51, 900.

由于美国、英国及其他任何地方都还没有批准使用DCA,伯格只能自己想办法寻找供应渠道。Because DCA is not an approved drug in the US, the UK or anywhere else, Burgh had to find his own supply.

位于苏格兰西南部的自治市,位于克莱德河湾上,为港口和制造业中心。人口56,194。A burgh of southwest Scotland on the Firth of Clyde. It is a port and manufacturing center. Population, 56,194.

当晚的另一项世界纪录属于卡梅罗-范德伯格,他在50米蛙泳中游出了最好成绩。The other world record of the night went to Cameron van der Burgh who set a new best in his 50m breaststroke semi-final.

苏格兰中南部一自由市,位于格拉斯哥城以东。它是钢铁工业的制造中心。人口50,700。A burgh of south-central Scotland east of Glasgow. It is a manufacturing center with iron and steel industries. Population, 50,700.

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埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48600。A burgh of southwest scotland at the mouth of the ayr river on the firth of clyde. it is a resort and a fishing port. Population 48600.

苏格兰东南部县区,位于爱丁堡以东,滨临北海,奥利弗·克伦威尔于'50年9月3日在此击败神圣盟约派,人口4,'09。A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, '50. Population, 4, '09.

苏格兰东南部县区,位于爱丁堡以东,滨临北海,奥利弗·克伦威尔于1650年9月3日在此击败神圣盟约派,人口4,609。A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, 1650. Population, 4,609.

有一种很简单的实验用药,以前从未用于治疗人类的癌症,可是现在自行决定服用这种“药物”的病人已经越来越多,伯格就是其中之一。Burgh is one of a growing number of patients who have been dosing themselves with a simple laboratory chemical that has never before been used to treat cancer in people.

苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点。A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population, 85, '.

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苏格兰西南部格拉斯哥西南偏南方的自治城市,它是矿区中的一个工业城镇和罗伯特·彭斯纪念碑所在地。A burgh of southwest Scotland south-southwest of Glasgow. It is an industrial town in a mining region and the site of a monument to Robert Burns, whose poems were first published here in 1786.

佩斯利苏格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow. It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls. Population, 86, 100.