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本文采取了对比分析和案例分析相结合的研究方法。This study adopts the two methods that are antitheses analyzing and case analyzing.

“对比法”最忌讳的就是“画蛇添足”、重复使用。" Antitheses " most those who abstain from is " ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous " , repeat use.

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另选30例健康人作为对照组进行上述指标的测量。Another 30 normal people were chosen for the antitheses group and were also given the above measured indexes.

文人小楷与民间小楷形成了“雅”与“俗”两种审美形态的对比。The contrast of the two distinct type of Xiaokai formed the antitheses of the "elegant" and "common" aesthetics.

这种典型的希腊哲学对立的命题也运用到讨论语言方面的问题。The setting up of antitheses , typical for Greek philosophy, was also applied to the problems which language posed.

好莱坞长期以来就知道在爱情中异性的吸引力。Think Harold and Maude, Pretty Woman, It Happened One Night—Hollywood has long known the lure of antitheses in love.

这种典型的希腊哲学对立的命题也运用到讨论语言方面的问题。C. The setting up of antitheses , typical for Greek philosophy, was also applied to the problems which language posed.

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本文对指示映射的各种表现以及其生成和推导的认知语用过程作了分析和描述。The paper analysed and described manifestations of demonstrative antitheses and the process of knowing expressions produced and derivated by it.

诔文在六朝时期的骈化进程是比较缓慢的,而且数量也不多。The antitheses of funeral eulogies were relatively laggardly, and furthermore the number of the funeral eulogies was quite small in the Six Dynasties.

另外,本部分还采用了个案研究分析的方法,选取了四个典型案例进行了分析。第四部分对我国法律信仰的生成提供了七条路径选择。As to the methodology, this part adopt the antitheses and analytical method, and choose the legal culture of China and the western countries to comparatively study.

广告英语在用词和句法上有一定特色,在写作中可大量运用比喻、拟人、重复、双关、变体习语、对偶等修辞。Ad English has its characteristics in words choosing and syntax, and can use such rhetoric as metaphors, personifications, repetitions, double meanings, anamorphosis phrases and antitheses.

对60例患者随机分成两组,治疗组应用黄连粉剂进行局部给药,用曼舒林栓剂局部给药进行对照。To 60, the example patients are divided randomly into two groups. The curing groups apply powder of the Coptis chinensis to the part. Antitheses group uses Ciprofloxaxin Hydrochloride Suppositories.