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他骑马。He bestrode his house.

它们曾宛若巨人控制着整个地球。They bestrode the earth like giants.

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哦,这个雄踞全世界的巨人!The colossus that bestrode the world!

巨大的纪念碑高耸于海港上。The colossal monument bestrode the harbour.

敌人跨过他的尸体走了。These enemies bestrode his body and went away.

他是跨越两个世纪的伟大领袖。He was a great leader that bestrode two centuries.

暴躁的高隆班凭着一股神圣的激情,曾迈过他母亲那横卧的身躯。His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.

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暴躁的高隆班凭着一股神圣的激情,曾迈过他母亲那横卧的身躯。His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.

我骑着自行车,你坐在后面,发现我什么都说不出来。Bestrode on the bike, I didn ' t know what to say, with you sitting at the back.

今天,爱因斯坦被推崇为一个知识巨人,在20世纪没有人像他这样光彩夺目。Today, Einstein is venerated as an intellectual colossus who bestrode the 20th century like no other.