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只在这里呆了一周就累得不行了。You've only been here a week and are so jaded.

结果却更加疲倦不堪。But the outcome leaves them more jaded than before.

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香料的芬芳刺激她疲惫的胃口。The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite.

如今,每个人都有充分的理由更加疲惫不堪。Everyone’s a little more jaded today, for good reason.

她还说“他是一个体贴和有趣的,诚实的,清纯的,孜孜不倦的并且是生活的情人的那么一个人”"He was caring and funny, honest, pure, non- jaded and a lover of life, " she said.

可能你只是因为老是碰上一些讨厌的人,然后觉得颓丧和疲倦不堪。Maybe you just had it with all the creeps hitting on you and got depressed and jaded.

你会看到表演者老练的移动和他们刻意把自己妆扮得珠光宝气。You will see the players who moves are practiced and almost jaded in their application.

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结婚多年,时不时会对彼此感到烦腻,这也是难免的。After years of marriage, it’s normal to feel jaded in the relationship every now and then.

在佛罗里达州当了三年老师以后,我开始厌倦教育的方方面面。After just three years as a Florida educator, I have grown jaded by all facets of education.

他沿着小路快步离开了,头昂得高高的,神情虽然高傲,但却显得有几分倦意。He flitted away down the path, his head held high, with an air of somewhat jaded jauntiness.

但令人惊讶的是,尽管黛安娜的生活日趋复杂,她却不曾倦怠下来。But surprisingly, even as her life became increasingly complicated, Diana never became jaded.

他也并不急着去寻找认路的标志,因为他的疲惫不堪的坐骑也要稍微休息一会儿了。A little rest for the jaded animal being desirable, he did not hasten his search for landmarks.

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我画了一幅东水库的地图,即使照我现在见识比较多的眼光看上去,也是相当专业的。I drew a map of the East Reservoir that looks rather professional even to my jaded latter-day eye.

多数西方人,甚至包括那些玩世不恭者,对爱情和婚姻依然抱着浪漫的观点。Most Westerners, even the most jaded cynics, still take an innately romantic view of love and marriage.

奇怪的是,疲倦的评论家往往用不合适的陈词滥调去批评那些没有取悦他们的电影。Oddly, jaded reviewers tend to use inapplicable clichés in responding to films that did not please them.

以色列民主协会的阿里•卡蒙说,人民已经筋疲力尽了,无论如何都不可能再去上街游行了。Anyway, says Arye Carmon of the Israel Democracy Institute, people are too jaded now to take to the streets.

“呵呵,小子你紧张过头了。”约翰只是静静的看着他,他从不认为自己紧张过头了。"Wow, boy, you are one jaded kid. " John just looked at him silently, he had no response to that. He was jaded.

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倘若鲁尼受伤、疲劳或是不再抱有什么希望的话,那么曼联这些琐碎的问题将转化为绝望的苦难。Should Rooney be injured, jaded or disillusioned, United's niggling problems could turn into agonies of despair.

他那絮絮叨叨的谈话伤害着马丁疲惫的心灵,是一根对他的感觉的探针,戳痛了他那倦怠的神经。The boisterous impact of it on Martin's jaded mind was a hurt. It was an aching probe to his tired sensitiveness.

“证明我的爱”是的胆怯,难忍欲望的场景,一个精疲力竭的阴阳人困在一个堕落的性爱地铁。"Justify My Love" is an eerie, sultry tableau of jaded androgynous creatures, trapped in a decadent sexual underground.