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艺人都很麻烦。Artistes are very troublesome.

她今天咳得很厉害。Her cough is troublesome today.

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这事有些缠手。The matter is rather troublesome.

今天我咳得很历害。My cough iv very troublesome today.

本种是一根令人讨厌的杂草。This species is a troublesome weed.

这个调皮的男孩子真是惹人烦。This naughty boy is really troublesome.

有什么问题让你伤脑筋吗?Is anything the matter make you troublesome?

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你是个死小孩你知道吗?You are a troublesome son of a gun you know?

那个捕鸟人也真是不嫌麻烦,实在太笨了。The trapper is really troublesome too clumsy.

这是个什么恼人的腺体啊,前列腺?What is this troublesome gland, the prostate?

硬水还会给工业生产带来麻烦。Hard water can also be troublesome in industry.

理财是一件琐杂的事情。Managing money matters is messy and troublesome.

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其它取食种子的哺乳类也会引起麻烦。Other seed-eating mammals may become troublesome.

手术祛除脸上的痔麻烦吗?Is the naevus on operation dispel face troublesome?

宣野座功,他的下一个对手,算是个挺麻烦的傢伙。Sennoza Kou, his next opponent, is a troublesome man.

宏观环境也仍然问题重重。The macroeconomic environment, too, remains troublesome.

冬天快要到了,莫丽变得越来越讨厌。AS WINTER drew on, Mollie became more and more troublesome.

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扩散电容会引起麻烦。The effect of the diffusion capacitance can be troublesome.

文中写道,伊斯兰文化是最麻烦的。The Islamic civilization, he wrote, is the most troublesome.

校方希望摆脱这个惹事生非的孩子。The school wishes to BE disembarrassed of the troublesome boy.