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她的申请被驳回了。The application of a douche.

冲洗治疗法使用冲洗液冲洗或治疗。To cleanse or treat by means of a douche.

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除非医生吩咐你,你自己不要这样做。Unless a doctor tells you to, you should not douche.

一股强烈的恐怖感突然朝狄克逊袭来。A sudden douche of terror then squirted itself all over Dixon.

是的!听听,你们这群主流的被洗脑的傻瓜们!现在感觉特傻,是吧?Yeah! Take that, you mainstream douche bags! Feeling pretty stupid now, huh?

本发明提供了一种欢宝妇阴灌洗液及冲洗器。This invention provides a kind of HuanBao" vaginal lavage fluid and its douche."

对于李安来说多么伟大的一个时刻啊,但是由简方达那个蠢蛋颁发给他,这一切就被毁了啊。What a great moment for Ang Lee, but certainly tarnished by having that douche Jane Fonda present it to him.

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下一步,得到冲洗从您当地的药店,并用它来挤压内炮制自己冲洗干净。Next, get a douche from your local drug store and use it to squeeze the concoction inside and flush yourself clean.

结果经纤支镜以及导管扩张后冲洗、注药,高热3例热退。Results After catheter dilatation, douche and drug infusion, the temperature of 3 cases with high fever has come down.

床头挂着一只灌洗器,这是他用来应付“紧急情况”的,是为“处女们”预备的,他总像一头警犬一样追逐她们。Over the bedstead hangs a douche bag which he keeps for emergencies – for the virgins whom he tracks down like a sleuth.

目的探讨选用香莲外洗液予高血压脑出血患者行会阴冲洗的效果。Objective To explore the effect of Xiang Lian lotion to give perineal douche in patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage.

如果你是个男生,你的朋友是约翰,比尔,特德,布莱恩,你称他们蠢驴,傻猴,傻蛋,哥斯拉,老鬼。If you're a GUY and your friends names are John, Bill, Ted, and Brian, you refer to them ass, Monkeybutt, Looser, Godzilla, and Douche.

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方法用灌胃法对小鼠进行急性染毒后,测定小鼠血糖、肝糖元、肌糖元的含量。Methods The rats content of blood sugar, hepatic glycogen and muscle glycogen were measured after they were poisoned acutely through douche.

他无可奈何地监视着她把东西扔进几只大箱子里。“这儿,把这些也放进去,”说着他递给她一只牙刷和装灌洗器的袋子。He watches her helplessly as she throws his things into the big valises. "Here, put these in too, " he says, handing her a toothbrush and the douche bag.

结论甲硝唑冲洗液在急性化脓性腹膜炎患者术中有显著的疗效,在临床上有应用推广价值。Conclusion Metronidazole douche had obviously curative effect on the operation of suppurative peritonitis that had clinical application and popularization value.