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但法里斯说,规避技术只是一个短期的解决办法。But Faris said circumvention technology is only a short-term solution.

国内学者普遍对反规避措施的合法性持否定观点。Domestic scholars have generally denied legality of anti circumvention.

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这个九月,又一个新工具加入审查规避军火库。A new tool will join the censorship circumvention arsenal this September.

对于其他类型的智能手机也可以用同样的方式躲避绑定。Circumvention of lockouts for other smartphone types is similarly possible.

不涉及侵权行为的规避技术手段,应该可以接受。Circumvention of technological measures for non-infringing activities should be enabled.

第五十五条商务部可以采取适当措施,防止规避反倾销措施的行为。MOFCOM may take appropriate measures to prevent the circumvention of anti-dumping measures.

一旦发生这种情况,只有通过改革或绕过这些制度才能产生变化。Once this happens, change can come only through reform or circumvention of the institutions.

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规避与反规避问题将成为反倾销领域的主题。Circumvention and anti-circumvention will become a major theme in the domain of anti-dumping.

最后对邓克尔草案中关于第三国组装规避的规定进行了论述和分析。Finally, the author summarizes the factors of constituting third country assembly circumvention.

第五十五条商务部可以采取适当措施,防止规避反倾销措施的行为。Article 55. MOFCOM may take appropriate measures to prevent the circumvention of anti-dumping measures.

这些外资银行还必须公开在英国以外获得的薪酬,以避免对这条法规进行任何规避。These foreign-owned banks would also have to show pay received outside the UK to avoid any circumvention of the rule.

Ho认为现在有许多规避审查的工具,但是都很难让人们接触到他们。There are plenty of other circumvention tools out there, but it can be hard for some people to gain access to them, Ho says.

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第二章研究欧盟、美国和邓克尔草案中的第三国组装规避。Firstly, the author analyses EC anti-circumvention regime, especially about elements of third country assembly circumvention.

针对第三部分分析的医患双方道德风险产生的原因,该部分从四个方面来谈道德风险的规避方法。According to the analysis of the third part, this part discusses the circumvention method of the moral risk from four aspects.

随着各国反倾销制度的日益完善,新的规避手段将不断出现。With the anti-circumvention system by various countries being perfect day by day, new means of circumvention will emerge continuously.

在计算机安全学中,由于软件或硬件的疏忽引起的错误。这种错误躲过了存取控制进程。In computer security, an error of omission or oversight in software or hardware that permits circumvention of the access control process.

分析家称尽管越来越多的人开始使用虚拟专用网络以及其他翻墙手段,但是这套网络审查机制也变得越来越成熟了。Analysts say the system has grown increasingly sophisticated, even as more people have learned to use VPNs and other circumvention methods.

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随着各国反倾销措施的不断强化,规避与反规避问题将成为反倾销领域的主要问题。With strengthening anti-circumvention by various countries, circumvention and anti-circumvention will become a major issue in the field of antidumping.

随着规进技术措施现象的出现,技术措施的法律保护也成为版权法的研究课题。With the emergence of circumvention of technological measures, how to legally protect technological measures also becomes an important task for copyright law.

为了填补漏洞,甘斯家细化了规定,却发现孩子能够想出更巧妙的办法来绕过规定。The Gans household elaborated the rules to close the loophole, only to discover that their child was able to construct yet more ingenious methods of circumvention.