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我患有脑瘫。I have cerebral palsy.

如何治疗脑血栓?How to treat cerebral thrombus?

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冰上曲棍球是一项很费脑力的运动。Ice hockey is a really cerebral game.

所有大脑内静脉均注入大脑大静脉。All CIV drain into great cerebral vein.

脑血栓系统治疗方案?Is cerebral thrombus regnant cure plan?

专家的争论如何定义脑瘫。Experts debate how to define cerebral palsy.

眩晕病会造成脑溢血吗?。Can swimmy disease cause cerebral haemorrhage?

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脑灰白质向内移位。Cerebral white and gray matter move to inside.

脑缺氧后小鼠存活时间。Survival duration of mice after cerebral anoxia.

DWI对缺血有极好的成像敏感性。DWI has good sensitivity to acute cerebral ischemia.

痉挛性瘫痪是一种脑性瘫痪形式。Spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy.

“我患有大脑性麻痹,”他就事论事地回答说。"I have cerebral palsy, " he answered matter-of-factly.

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脑性瘫痪康复的主要途径探讨。Comprehensive rehabilitation therapy for cerebral palsy.

许多大脑自恋者甚至在他们结婚后还会保持禁欲状态。Many cerebral narcissists are celibate even when married.

10月2日的中风并非威尔逊的第一次脑血管意外。The Oct. 2 stroke was not Wilson's first cerebral episode.

波特是一位患有脑瘫的波特兰老人。Bill Porter is a 65-year-old Portlander with cerebral palsy.

注意有铊标记红细胞聚集的大脑血管。Note the cerebral vessels filling with Tc-labeled red cells.

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医生告诉可可何导得的是急性脑梗塞。What doctor told coco is guide the acute cerebral infarction.

情况严重时,会造成脑水肿甚至死亡。In severe cases, it can lead to cerebral edema and even death.

结论聪灵胶囊能改善小鼠软脑膜微循环。Conclusion CLC can improve mice cerebral pial microcirculation.