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也是采用香茅油的精华制成,安全有效。Consists of citronella its . it s safe effective.

点上香茅油驱蚊。Light citronella candles to keep mosquitoes at bay.

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大约八个月之后,香茅失去了功效。After about 8 months, the citronella loses its punch.

那可以种香茅,还能顺便驱蚊。Plant some citronella trees to keep away the mosquitos.

从香茅油出发合成了羟基香茅醛。The hydroxycitronellal has been synthesized from citronella oil.

我也非常喜欢它含有香茅成分来防止蚊虫叮咬。I also like that it has the citronella to protect from bug bites.

还是要一种更加天然的,加了有机香茅、薰衣草精华或者茶树油的…Or a "natural " one with a dash of organic citronella , lavender or tea -tree oil ?

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其他适用于孩子的驱蚊剂里都包含了一种称作香茅和豆油的物质。Other insect repellents used in children include those made with Citronella and soybean oil.

非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil, Carvacryl oil Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil.

内含纯天然薰衣草、香茅、橘皮及天竺葵精油。可避免烦人的蚊虫叮咬。With pure lavender citronella orange peel & geranium essential oils. Protects against annoying mosquitos.

你也可以自己做一些香茅蜡烛、室外的电筒和捕虫器来为自己省点钱。You can also save yourself some cash by making your own citronella candles, outdoor torches, and bug traps.

通过合理简化,提出了香茅油间歇精馏塔的数学模型。By rationally simplifying a mathematical model of batch rectification collum on citronella oil is presented.

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我烧香茅蜡烛来驱赶他们,这样我的家人和朋友们就享受院子的清静而不会受到蚊子的侵扰了。I burn citronella candles to combat them so family and friends can enjoy our backyard without being attacked by bugs.

典型清新的榛子,杏仁奶,香茅以及酸橙的味道。强劲,精致的单宁衬托出完美的酒体。It is delicate and typical with notes of fresh hazelnut, almond milk, citronella and lime. Big, with a well balanced body.

本文采用顶空进样气相色谱-质谱联用法测定蜡烛中香茅油的含量。The citronella oil content of certain candle formulations was determined by headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

当我们夏天在户外的时候,我们为了驱赶蚊子,常常用香茅油蜡烛。With all of the time we spend outdoors in the summer, we’re prone to mosquitos which means we usually reach for a citronella candle.

迷迭香,柠檬,香茅油和混合的其他5种油类,为防止蚊虫叮咬提供了自然的解决方案。Rosemary, Lemongrass, and Citronella oils mix with 5 other oils that bugs hate, creating an all natural solution for keeping them away.

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香叶醇一种芳香的淡黄液体醇,c9h17coh,主要从天竺葵和香橼油中提取并用于化妆品和香料中。A fragrant, pale yellow liquid alcohol, C9H17COH, derived chiefly from the oils of geranium and citronella and used in cosmetics and flavorings.

最好的香茅效力持续时间为20分钟,以IR3535为基础的一种驱虫剂预防蚊虫叮咬的平均时间为22.9分钟。The best citronella was effective for about 20 minutes, and an IR3535-based repellent protected against mosquito bites for an average of 22.9 minutes.

对于防治宠物身上的跳蚤、壁蝨或寄生虫,有些精油具有不错的疗效。Some essential oils have good effect on fleas, ticks or other parasites, for example, mint, lemon, sandalwood, eucalyptus, geranium, citronella grass, etc.