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文出口磨损。Coven export wear.

任何的输出品列出在一。Any export listed in a.

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我们主要的出口货是大米。Our main export is rice.

这是你们的输出品。That is what you export.

出口自动许可证号。Automatic export licence No.

我们向许多国家出口货物。We export to many countries.

具有出口贸易经验。Experience in export business.

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咖啡是巴西的主要输出品。Coffee is a major export of Brazil.

糖是中国的主要输出品之一。Sugar is one chief export of China.

可是,出口的却是,请慢用。However, the export is, please slow.

他熟悉出口手续。He is familiar with export procedure.

彼得在出口部工作。Peter works in the export department.

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贝里斯的首要输出品是什麽?What is the leading export of Belize?

每个月他都把出口销售总额过入总帐。He posted up export sales every month.

我叫金哲夫,负责出口部。I'm in charge of the export department.

韩国音乐家,音乐外销成唯一出路。Korean musicians must export or starve.

罐装鹰嘴豆泥找到出口市场Canned chickpea dip finds export markets

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适合鲜食和加工出口市场。Export markets for fresh and processing.

年出口量超过四百七十万把。The annual export more than 4.7 million.

这个国家的主输出品是手表。The country's leading export is watches.