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这是至关重要的。This is of utmost importance.

他们正在尽最大全力以掀支出开支路。They do their utmost to open up power.

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树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance.

能,只要我们都尽最大努力。Yes, if every one of us tries our utmost.

他竭力抑制自己的感情。He did his utmost to muffle his feelings.

我对她的能力很有信心。I have utmost confidence in her abilities.

我们将竭尽所能帮助你们建立成功的人生。We will do our utmost to help you succeed.

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也难怪老戴要对他们推崇备至了。No wonder Dai canonizes them to the utmost.

这份工作需要我们全力以赴。The job exacts the utmost effort on your part.

他们反正在尽最大勤奋以打开卖路。They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.

他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.

他们正在尽最大勤勉以翻付出开支路。They are performing their utmost to open up power.

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石是一名很棒的球员,并且他总是竭尽全力。Suk is a good player and he always does his utmost.

我,是你的朋友,会尽力帮你忙的。I , who am your friend, will do my utmost to help you.

我只不过极力表白一些刷岸的吹积。I too but signify at the utmost a little wash'd-up drift.

如果这样的话,一份出挑的简历可是至关重要啊!If so, having a stand-out resume is of utmost importance!

为了促使萨卡什维利先生卷入战争,俄无所不用其极。It did its utmost to provoke Mr Saakashvili into a fight.

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网络正在把艺术的虚构性推向极至。In conclusion, network is promoting the fiction to the utmost.

杰克悉心照顾和保护路克,教他读书。Jack utmost care and protection of Luke, to teach him to read.

那些恶棍受到法律的严惩。Those rogues were proceeded with the utmost rigour of the law.