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李渊懊恼地说。Said Li Yuan chagrin.

出于对其世俗父母的懊恼,她皈依了犹太正统派。To the chagrin of her secular parents, she embraced Orthodox Judaism.

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偷鸡不成反蚀把米的手下懊恼不已。Do not stealing chickens against corrosion by the hand of them chagrin.

姜窦的飞行机时大局部被齐欣分给了白羽,他堕入深深的懊恼中。Ginger sinus flying unit was JiXin among the big local BaiYu, he's in deep chagrin.

让很多军官懊恼的是,PowerPoint在军队中已经普及了。PowerPoint is already ubiquitous within the Army — to the chagrin of many an officer.

士兵们在营房里换制服,但是普康迪觉得很委屈。The paratroopers are changing into their gear in the barrack, but Perconte is feeling very chagrin.

与随处可见的准新娘的懊恼一样,稍微慢一点它们就会变成石墨。At slower speeds they would have turned into graphite, much to the chagrin of brides-to-be everywhere.

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我和吹来的每阵风打赌,直到自然着恼派遣一个事实来拜访我,我的气球飞走了!BET with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon!

海宁一开始懊恼采访乱了套,幸好身旁的仲文鼓励她随遇而安。Haining chagrin haywire interview at the beginning, fortunately beside ZhongWen encouraged her to settle.

然而,一九一八年开始的时候,克利福伤得一身破碎。被运了回来,孩子没有生成。佐佛来男爵也忧愤中死去了。But early in 1918 Clifford was shipped home smashed, and there was no child. And Sir Geoffrey died of chagrin.

对那些恼羞成怒的蛇油贩子来说,科学无法证明他们贩卖的万灵药有任何所谓的功效。To the shame and chagrin of the snake oil pedlars, science has been of no help in supporting any of these claims.

中华人民共和国对其经济的控制仍然举足轻重,这给在中国经营的美国公司带来很多困难。The People's Republic still has a heavy hand in its economy, much to the chagrin of U.S. companies operating there.

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对于一些交易员的气恼,亚马逊坚定地不“最大化近期收益”---它牺牲了短期利润。To the chagrin of some traders, Amazon is distinctly NOT "maximizing near-term profits" — it is sacrificing near-term profits.

晚餐是在晚上11点提供的,在那个时段门是要被关上的,惠灵顿公爵就是这个时候吃的闭门羹。Supper was served at 11 PM, and at that time the doors were closed for good, as the Duke of Wellington discovered to his chagrin.

然而令其家族感到愤怒的是,事情最终败露,他被学校除名,尽管事后该事件被成功地掩盖了10多年。To the chagrin of his family, the plot was discovered and he was expelled, though the incident was covered up for more than a decade.

达尔文的理论早该休矣,事实即是如此——它令现代的生物学家们既恼且羞。The truth of the matter, much to the chagrin of contemporary biology, is that Darwin’s theory should have been laid to rest some time ago.

我至今仍记得一位潜水新手造访一艘400英尺长之海底沉船后浮出水面时之懊丧神情。I recall the chagrin of a novice per who, after surfacing from an underwater tour of a 400-foot ship, asked his ping buddy, "Where was the wreck?"

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BBC则放弃了在拉丁美洲、北美洲和欧洲大部分地区的短波广播服务,让不少忠实听众又气又恼。The BBC has abandoned short-wave broadcasts to Latin America, North America and most of Europe, to the chagrin and despair of some loyal listeners.

而当冰块暴露在阳光下,水与排泄物混合形成黏滑的渗流,不时淹到我们大腿处,令人非常苦恼。As we expose the ice to the sun, water mixes with the muck to form a slippery ooze that occasionally traps us up to our thighs, much to our chagrin.

闻言,族长脸上浮起愠怒,他扫过周遭,目光回落到白启身上,不由得怒喝道。Smell speech, start to float chagrin on the clan long face, he once swept whole, the vision dew white in the Qi body, not from get the Nu drink a way.