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那是条可充气的橡皮船。That is an inflatable rubber boat.

Nappak充气床在不用的时候可以折叠成一小束。Nappak inflatable bed folds into a small tube when not in use.

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SUPERNOVA是一款充气式灯具,只产生柔和的热度。SUPERNOVA is an inflatable light that produces soft ambient glow.

销售充气拱门,模型,保镖,滑梯,城堡,卡通玩具。Sell inflatable arch, model, bouncer, slide, castle, cartoon toy.

在航线上只有一个红色浮标,如附件绕岛赛航线图。Only one Red Inflatable Buoy is on the race course see Attachment.

另外,有什么比你客厅里有一个充气的充气椅子好呢?Plus, what's classier than an inflatable chair in your living room?

漂流所使用的舟艇有独木舟、皮船及橡皮艇。By the use of the boat drifting boats are canoe, kayak and inflatable.

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完成时,这个充气式将是一个很好,除了我的灭火轮。When complete, this inflatable will be a nice addition to my fireboat.

第二天,警察在急流东侧发现他们仍未漏气的皮划艇。Police recovered their inflatable boat east of the rapids the next day.

他们也可以通过充气皮艇进行水上观光。They also have access to an inflatable canoe for above-water excursions.

王晓星和室友们用了10桶水才把充气泳池填满。Wang and his roommates used 10 buckets of water to fill the inflatable pool.

图中的这个模型显示了充气式结构将会如何运用在月球定居点上。This model shows how inflatable structures could be used for a lunar settlement.

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车后座上是他的充气床垫以及十件干净的内裤。He has an inflatable mattress on the rear seat and ten pairs of clean underpants.

独特的薄膜阀门,吹管吹气,让您充气放气更轻松。Unique film valves, blowpipe inflatable, inflatable deflated lets you more easily.

灵巧的广告柱子用于宣传“R”Us玩具可充气沙滩玩具系列。Clever advertising column promotes the Toys “R” Us inflatable beach toy collection.

对于地球轨道,学生制定了计划,以建立一个可扩展的充气实验室。For Earth orbit, students developed plans for an expandable, inflatable laboratory.

采用变频调速装置,料斗采用充气式密封,密封可靠。Frequency Control device is used, Hopper used inflatable seal, sealed and reliable.

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相形之下,软式飞船是充满上升气体、能像气球一般膨胀的大袋子。A blimp, in contrast, is a big, inflatable balloonlike sack filled with a lifting gas.

封隔器两种最常见的形式是生产封隔器或者测试封隔器和膨胀式封隔器。The two most common forms are the production or test packer and the inflatable packer.

如果有一个最终的真人大小的玩具,他们希望,这将是一个充气保镖。And if there's one ultimate life-size toy they want, it would be an inflatable bouncer.