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台伯河上游河谷地区。The upper valley of the tiber.

双方谈了一会,泰伯给了李安他的一本书。The two talked a bit and Tiber gave Lee a copy of his book.

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巴黎在塞纳河上,伦敦在泰晤士河上,罗马在第伯尔河上。Paris is on the Seine, London is on the Thames and Rome is on the Tiber.

意大利中部一城市,位于罗马北部、俯瞰台伯河的丘陵地带。A city of central Italy on a hill overlooking the Tiber River north of Rome.

有一天我们走到吉安尼可洛公园,望过台伯河,向下凝视这个城市。One day we walk to Gianicolo Park and gaze down across the Tiber River at the city.

他们的尸体被沿街拖过而且被扔进了台伯河中。Their bodies were dragged through the streets of Rome and thrown into the Tiber River.

我对这个首都和她的所在的了解更胜过卢浮宫,我熟悉台伯河更胜过塞纳河。I knew the Capitol and its position before I knew the Louvre, and the Tiber before the Seine.

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On星期日虐待的幸存者和支持者聚集在圣天使城堡在台伯河。On Sunday abuse survivors and supporters are gathering in Castel Sant'Angelo on the Tiber River.

意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River.

饥荒非常严重,以至于有数千人投河自杀。It was so severe that thousands of people literally threw themselves into the Tiber River to drown.

此外,台伯河泛滥到了岸上,一颗彗星出现,一个双头婴儿出生,以及一个女人生了五胞胎。Besides, the Tiber flooded its banks, a comet was seen, a two-headed child was born, and a woman gave birth to quintuplets.

有一天,我们在台伯河另一头,也是城市一部分的越台伯河区吃午饭。我儿子的公寓就在这个区。One day we eat lunch in Trastevere, a section of the city on the other side of the Tiber River where my son's apartment is.

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当这对双胞胎被遗弃在台伯河畔时,一只母狼哺育了他们,后来又被一位牧羊人发现,他的妻子将他们抚养大。When pairs of twins abandoned in the Tiber River, the one Mulang nurtured them, and later was a shepherd discovered his wife to bring them up big.

基督时期统治罗马的提比略年轻而又沉静。他的雕像被海藻产生的硫磺严重地腐蚀黑了。What may be the portrait of a young and still serene tiber ius who reigned during the time of christ has been badly blackened by sulfur produced by algae.

它地处台伯河右岸,以四周城墙为国界,另外,有一条“密道”从著名的圣天使堡通向梵蒂冈城内。It is located in the right bank of the Tiber River to the boundary wall around the other, there is a"secret passages"from the famous Sant'Angelo toward Vatican City.

此外,罗马还要在省政府、市政府及台伯河著名经典密尔维奥桥上悬挂“藏独旗帜”。In addition, in Rome to the provincial government, municipal government and the Tiber River famous classic of Erwei Ao bridge hoisting "the banner of Tibetan independence."

在罗马,建于公元前62年、并以其承建工程师命名的法布里齐乌斯桥,像建于公元136年左右的圣安吉罗桥一样,仍然承担着通过台伯河的交通运输使命。In Rome, the bridge of Fabricius, built in 62 B. C. and named for its engineer, still carries traffic across the Tiber River, as does the Santa Angelo Bridge, built in about 136 A. D.