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你不想在你的门回购男子敲入。You do not want the repo man knockin at your door.

幸运的是,回购协议市场不大可能完全冻结。Fortunately, the repo market is unlikely to freeze up entirely.

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买断式回购的推出,对银行来说既是机遇又是挑战。The introduction of outright repo presents both an opportunity and a challenge for banks.

该局已经退出回购市场,这是美国公司和金融机构快速借贷的一种办法。SAFE had exited the repo market, which is a way for corporations and financial institutions to borrow overnight.

根据网络像簿的使用者雷普曼的看法,这栋背景的中心堡垒式的建筑是典型的中国当铺。The fortress-like building, background center, is a typical Chinese pawn shop, according to the Flickr user Repo Man.

在为流动性操作融资方面,回购比基于Shibor的同业拆借更占优势,前者约为后者的2.5倍。In terms of funding the liquid operations, repo dominates the Shibor based interbank borrowing by a ratio of 2.5 to 1.

我国货币市场的参考利率一般有隔夜回购利率、7天回购利率和央行票据的发行利率。The overnight repo rate, 7-day repo rate and bank note issue rate are the major reference rates of China monetary market.

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以国债回购利率为研究对象,分别建立ARIMA及GARCH模型,并比较这两种模型的预测能力。The repo rate of the national bond is analyzed and ARIMA and GARCH models related to the rate are established in this paper.

这种在债务上限问题即将解决前减少风险的欲望导致隔夜回购利率升高。Such a desire to shorten up exposures in the run-up to the resolution of the debt-ceiling debate led overnight repo rates to spike.

回购市场曾是人们因为标普下调评级而备感担忧的一个领域,因为它严重依赖美国国债作为质押品。The repo market had been an area of concern related to the S&P downgrade, as the repo market relies heavily on Treasury collateral.

如果回购期间出现质押券不足额情况,逆回购方可要求正回购方追加或置换质押券。If the pledged securities become inadequate during the repo period, the counterparty may ask the repurchase party to add or replace them.

一些人担心违约可能在回购市场引发像2008年那样的信贷紧缩,日益增加的国库券“削发”导致追加保证金。Some fear that a default could cause a 2008-style crunch in repo markets, with the raising of "haircuts" on Treasuries leading to margin calls.

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由于与现券交易相比有着诸多优势,因此经过短短几年时间的发展,国债回购已成为我国货币市场乃至金融体系中最为活跃的部分。Thanks to many advantages over the immediate transaction, the treasury bonds repo transaction has reached an enormous amount in the several years.

每个报导由350篇摘要与引文组成,概述了相关期刊、会议录、专利与报告所含的内容。Each report consists of up to 350 abstracts and citations, summarizing the contents of relevant journals, conference proceedings, patents, and repo.

但是,“目前资金面宽裕,IPO对回购利率的影响不会太大,融资打新股的资金成本低于2008年。However, "the current face off funds, IPO on the impact of repo rate would not be significant new funds to fight the financing cost is lower than in 2008."

分析师称,停发短债使证券借贷市场不安,因担心可能更难应付附买回协议.A drop in short-term debt issuance is unsettling securities-lending markets out of concern that covering repo agreements could become more difficult, analysts said.

沃卢克斯报告称,雷曼的回购105交易量于每季度末飙增,因为高管们试图缩小资产负债表,以使该银行看上去更加健康。Mr Valukas reported that Lehman's Repo 105 volumes spiked sharply at the end of a quarter as executives tried to shrink the balance sheet to make the bank appear stronger.

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据数据显示,减少季度末回购借贷的做法多年来都会周期性的发生,不过从未像2009年那么持续不断。数据可以追溯到2001年。The practice of reducing quarter-end repo borrowings has occurred periodically for years, according to the data, which go back to 2001, but never as consistently as in 2009.

雷曼的许多交易对手似乎也从不质疑这些交易,以及为什么自己能拿到比传统回购交易更优厚的条件。Lehman's many counterparties in the trades also never appeared to have questioned them or the fact that they were receiving better terms than in traditional repo transactions.

金融危机期间,三方回购金融系统崩溃,美联储在2008年9月公开宣布这一变化,称它使各大银行建立了一套三方回购系统的替代系统。The Fed publicly announced the changes in September of 2008, saying it made them to create a substitute for the triparty repo financing system that collapsed during the crisis.