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刷漆之前先撒些锯末。Strew sawdust before painting.

也使用了五彩纸屑和锯木屑。Confetti and sawdust have also been used.

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锯木屑则送到硬纸板工厂。The sawdust goes to the chipboard industry.

有人嘴里被塞满了锯木屑。some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust.

锯齿间塞满了锯末。The teeth of the saw were clogged with sawdust.

一个主要原因是这个过程味如嚼蜡。A big reason is that it's all like eating sawdust.

窗角边结了一层锯末般的白霜。Frost collected in the window corners like sawdust.

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木屑和锯末可压制成板。Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

木头的碎渣和锯末可以压成木板。Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

这些问题都可以尽量减少对致密木屑。Such problems can be minimized by use of densified sawdust.

有不少人关注着猫粮中的锯木屑对猫健康的影响。There are health concerns about sawdust sweepings in cat food.

锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。and sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent.

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我在他的袜子里塞了些木屑还有泥土填满他的鞋。I stuffed his socks with sawdust and filled his shoes with clay.

梅布尔开始打扫地上的锯末,我则收起工具。Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools.

她尝试过的锯屑,虽然比较整齐的多,但却不容易操作。The sawdust she tried, though much tidier , did not work much better.

为了饲养农场的畜类,他被铺垫上一层锯末并堆满了干草。He was coated with sawdust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals.

进食非素食理想食物如同吃进木屑或虫子。Eating non-vegan dream food would be like eating dream sawdust or dream bugs.

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接着人们在尸体里塞满像木屑之类的干物料,然后用床单将尸体包裹起来。The body was then stuffed with dry materials like sawdust and wrapped in linens.

这个地方实际上是个锯木工厂,在车库顶端是个锯末收集器。This place was actually a sawmill and at the top of the garage is a sawdust collector.

写字间找到的锯屑来自于压落到菲利布特身上的书架。Collected in the scriptorium, this sawdust comes from the shelf that fell on Philibert.