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鳃组织中细胞核肿胀。In the cells of gill tumescent nuclei are found.

结论麻醉满意,操作得当,肿胀法吸脂术对局部肥胖者的减肥是安全有效的。Conclusion Tumescent technique is effective and safe, and can be applied in the treatment of obesity.

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目的探讨下腹部肿胀吸脂术的疗效与并发症的预防。Conclusion Tumescent liposuction technique is a simple, safe and effective technique to substract fat.

目的探讨下腹部肿胀吸脂术的疗效与并发症的预防。Objective To explore curative effect and prevention of complication of tumescent Liposuction technique.

在中间靠左上方,老巫师程坐姿,手放在身前的地上。At the top left of centre he is seated and again tumescent with his hands on the ground in front of him.

目的探讨肿胀麻醉体外超声在抽脂术中的作用与疗效。Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of external ultrasound liposuction combined with tumescent anesthesia.

目的为减轻皮下超量吸脂术中注射肿胀液时的劳动强度,提高工作效率。Objective To alleviate strength of labor in liposculpture with tumescent technique and enhance efficiency of work.

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想想就好笑,这两天一直把胳膊上肿起的红包当作宝贝一样供奉着,生怕有个什么问题。It's funny that I 've treated the tumescent bump on my arm as a cowry these two days and for fear that something maybe wrong.

结论,病人经过住院戒酒治疗后,原异常超声声象图有改善,肿大的肝脏可逐渐恢复正常。Results suggested that after in-patient abstinence, abnormal ultrasonogram improved, tumescent liver could gradually return to normality.

方法在肿胀麻醉下,对70例受术者进行一期环周脂肪抽吸术。Methods With tumescent technique 70 cases have been operated using circumferential liposuction at one stage from May 2000 to October 2007.

目的探讨高频彩超鉴别诊断浅表肿大淋巴结的应用价值。Objective To reveal the clinical value of high-frequency color Doppler ultrasonography in differential diagnosis for superficial tumescent lymph nodes.

方法肿胀麻醉下行外科门诊手术1149例,对镇痛效果及安全性进行回顾性分析。Methods 1149 outpatient operations were performed under tumescent anaesthesia. Peri-operative pain was measured, and the safety was reviewed retrospectively.

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结论在全身麻醉下隆乳术中局部注射肿胀液能明显减轻术中出血、术后早期疼痛及减少术后局部淤血红肿的发生率。Conclusion The tumescent fluid could reduce bleeding, early pain after operation and local congestion and swelling in the breast augmentation under general anesthesia.

负压抽脂减肥术较适合于局部皮下脂肪堆积的肥胖症,内镜胃体缩小减肥术较适合于全身重度肥胖症。The liposuction with tumescent technique was suitable for local proliferation of fat tissue. The reduction of stomach with endoscopes was suitable for obesity of whole body.

其中23例患者行常规局部浸润麻醉,18例行肋间神经阻滞麻醉,33例行胸大肌下局部肿胀麻醉。Among them, 23 cases were performed with routine local anesthesia, 18cases were performed with intercostals nerve block, 33 cases were performed with tumescent local anesthesia.

方法通过肿胀吸脂术获得脂肪组织后,分别用生理盐水、平衡液各漂洗0、1、3、5、10次后,用葡萄糖转移实验检测其活性。Methods Fat was obtained by tumescent liposuction and then rinsed by normal saline or balanced fluid for 0,1,3,5, and 10 times. Fat viability was determined by glucose transportation test.

这是一个拳击手正在拳击场上搏击的情景,他全身伤痕累累,眼睛被打肿了,鼻子也在流着血,这幅画的背景是观众席,整个观众席是灰色的,只能看到观众的大体轮廓。This scene was about that a boxer was fighting in a game. He was wounded all around, with his eyes tumescent and his nose in-blood. The background in this picture was audience seats, appearing gray.

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目的比较肿胀麻醉法下的外超声吸脂与单纯负压吸脂术的差别,以探讨外超声吸脂术的优点。Objective To discuss the benefits of the external ultrasonic liposuction through comparing the different effects of external ultrasonic tumescent liposuction and simple negative pressure liposuction.